Atoms,Elements, and Compounds


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Presentation transcript:

Atoms,Elements, and Compounds

ATOMS Atoms are the basic ______ ________ of _______ that make up everyday objects. A desk, the air, even you are made up of atoms! Matter- Anything that takes up ______

Parts of the Atom Electron = ______ particle circling the nucleus (each electron has a –1 charge) Proton = _______ particle found in the nucleus (each proton has a +1 charge Neutron = _______ particle found in the nucleus (a neutron has no charge)

Atomic Number The number of ________ in an atom defines what element it is.  For example carbon atoms have six protons, hydrogen atoms have one, and oxygen atoms have eight.  The number of protons in an atom also determines the chemical behavior of the element.

Carbon and the periodic table Atomic symbol= ___ Atomic number ___ Mass number= ____ Atomic #=# protons #protons=#electrons Mass number= weight of protons + neutrons (rounded) Electrons add little weight and are insignificant on a periodical table Protons and Neutrons weigh the same: 1 a.m.u.

ELEMENTS substances that ______ be decomposed or __________ into simpler substances by ordinary chemical means. Elements are made up of only _____ kind of atom [ex. Carbon(C), oxygen(O2), helium(He)]

Element Name and Symbol Atomic Symbol: The atomic symbol is ____ or _____ letters chosen to represent an element ("H" for "hydrogen," etc.).  Memorize the symbols/ names of the following: C Carbon O Oxygen H Hydrogen He Helium Na Sodium Fe Iron N Nitrogen S Sulfur

Compounds Substance formed by a combination of ______ or more __________ (ex. Water (H2O) has hydrogen and oxygen

Mixtures/Solutions Mixture- Substances that do _____________together but mix Solutions – Mixture that is _________ distributed throughout the solution Solution

Mixtures Solution Solute- _____ Solvent- _______ NaCl Dissolving in Water When an ionic compound such as sodium chloride is placed in water, water molecules surround and separate the positive and negative ions.

Mixtures Mixture Different particles _____ dissolved

Atom vs. Molecule Atom – the _______ possible particle of a molecule that __________ its chemical properties Molecule - _____ or more ________ in a definite arrangement held together by chemical bonds Example: A Hydrogen Atom Water is always H2O

What is in a Molecule Formula’s H2O H2O Water Ammonia NH3 Subscript (Little number after an element symbol in a molecule) means there are that number of the previous Atom H2O Water 2 Hydrogen 1 Oxygen Ammonia NH3 1 Nitrogen 3 Hydrogen Sucrose C12H22O11 Table Salt NaCl Sodium Bicarbonate NaHCO3 H2O

Definitions Bond - joins two atoms together The Octet Rule- Says that atoms tend to gain, lose or share electrons so as to have eight electrons in their outer electron shell. -To be stable atoms must have their outer orbit filled. -Usually the outer orbit holds 8 electrons -Hydrogen and Helium have an outer orbit that only holds 2 electrons. Chemical bond – a force that holds two atoms together (occurs because atoms want to achieve stability ) atoms want to have a complete outermost energy level

Types of bonds Ionic bonding – bonding that involves a transfer of electrons (one atom gains electrons and one atom loses electrons) ions are formed Electrons have a -1 charge A positive ion is formed when a electron is given off A negative ion is formed when a electron is gained

Types of Bonds Covalent bonding - occurs when atoms share electrons to fill outer orbits. Water is 2 Hydrogen and 1 Oxygen covalently bonded.

Covalent bonding - side + side Electrons in a covalently bonded compound are not shared equally Larger atoms tend to hog more electrons. In water Oxygen hogs more of the electrons and therefore the oxygen side is more negative and the hydrogen side is slightly positive -When there are different charged sides the molecule is said to be polar. - side + side

Hydrogen Bonds Attraction that forms between two polar molecules (when hydrogen is present). The positive side of one polar molecule attracts and is “bonded” to the negative side of another polar molecule.

Compound A substance formed by the combination of _____ or more ___________ in definite proportions. Exp: NaCl, Salt