Ph.D Status Report: A part of WEBSYS Project Jianyun Zhou Dept. of Computer Science Norwegian University of Science and Technology I will present status in my phd study, which is a part of websys project.
Background My Ph.D. work is a part of WEBSYS project Main goal: develop guidelines for the industrial development of timely and reliable Web-based systems Sub-goals: Better understanding of the software process and related technologies on how to make trade-off between time-to-market (TTM) and reliability; Contribute to better methods and techniques for Web-based systems development where reliability and TTM need to be considered together; Dissemination and exchange of the gained knowledge, with a strong international component Background for my pdh study is clear from the beginning. As described in the websys project description,
Research theme Technology and operation modes Reliability and robustness requirement Time-to-market requirement Web-based system development process Empirical study According to the project description and defined goals, my research theme covers at least five dimensions: By combination of these five dimentions, can produce a large number of relevant topics. I have used time in the beginning to find out focus things. And temporary I have planned to do the following things
A top-level refernce model Interface How web pages look and feel (layout, JavaScript) Navigation Facilitate navigation functionality Web components Controller User Request processing in the architectural framework each layer is futher composed of components to implement required functionality, and the components within each layer interact with each other to provide services to the upper layer, and components in different layer interact together to provide services to the user of the system. The components in the first three layers are called web components because they provide functionality associated with a web site and hypermedia application, the components in the other two layers are middle tier components as they provide traditional software functionality such business logic. Model Business logic and application data Middle tier components Infrastructure Middleware support
Activity next 6 months Robustness metrics Completion of the definition Propose of metrics Planning validation study Extension of the refernce model Modeling and integration Identify and categorize components, patterns and other artifacts to improve reuse How to insert robustness How to integrate with the development process
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