4th Grade Evaluative Thinking Lesson Synectics II – Intro for Teachers CCSD Advanced Learning: Talent Development
WHAT IS SYNECTICS? Synectics (Gordon, 1961) provides an approach to creative thinking that depends on looking at unrelated phenomenon and making a relevant connection.
Advantages to Using Synectics 1. Increases creativity in individuals and groups. 2. Works well as a cooperative learning exercise. 3. Encourages community togetherness. 4. Allows divergent thinking processes. 5. Reaches students with different learning styles. 6. Allows for use of imagination and the senses. 7. Useful in problem solving and brainstorming endeavors. 8. Broadens concept attainment.
Disadvantages to Using Synectics Students trained in the rigors of left brain concrete sequential thinking may be temporarily stretched out of their comfort zone
Core Concept Brainstorming is the backbone of Synectics. Students can work as a class, groups, pairs, or individually. Brainstorming allows students to discover what they know already about the topic and explore their own thoughts and ideas about the connections between subjects. The teacher becomes the facilitator guiding the process and assessing students for understanding.
Synectics & Graphic Organizers A variety of resources can be used to record student responses. However, graphic organizers are a good way to help students make connections regardless of what Synectics strategy you are using. Graphic organizers help students visualize and categorize similarities/differences in order to make connections between themes and objects
What will students do? Students will engage in evaluative thinking by using Synectics Students will choose a Synectics Task Card and accompanying organizer Students will use the organizer to brainstorm facts they know, descriptions, thoughts and ideas related to each topic on the task card. After reviewing their brainstorm responses, students will create their own analogies: Robots are like the moon because____________________________________.
Implementing the Lesson Prepare: Print and laminate each 2-sided task card. Photocopy organizers for students to use with task cards. Present: 4th Grade Synectics Part II Mini Lesson Practice: Allow students to work in pairs or individually on each consecutive task. There are no right or wrong answers. These tasks encourage and promote individual, creative and lateral thinking.
Assessment Students will be observed as they engage in the brainstorming process and creating their own analogies. Students will use an organizer to scaffold them through the problem solving process. The teacher will evaluate students as they display their ability to: Brainstorm effectively Create analogies that demonstrate how the items are connected