Overview of the GSGM Student Reports for Parents


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Presentation transcript:

Overview of the GSGM Student Reports for Parents Student Growth Percentiles The all new Georgia Student Growth Model Reports will be one way that Growth information is shared with parents. In addition to student achievement, we are also focused on how well students are growing from year to year. The GA DOE is measuring student growth and has released the Georgia Student Growth Model (GSGM) Report which provides information on students’ academic growth.

CRT – Page 1 Schools have received Georgia Student Growth Model (GSGM) Reports to distribute to students and parents. This is critical information. Please share with parents in the same manner you would score reports. The report is a four page color document. The report includes: Prior grade/course score Current grade/course score Student Growth P and growth level Targets and projections On the back page are FAQs and a website link for additional materials. Here is an example of the SGP sample report. The first page has an overview on how to interpret the report.

CRCT – Pages 2 and 3 Pages 2 and 3 show the five content areas for CRCT.

CRCT – Page 4 On the back is more information including FAQs. 1/14/2019

CRCT – Page 1 On the front page, we have overview, the SGP ranges and the interpretive guide.

CRCT – Page 1 Here is the interpretive guide with numbers pointing to the different parts of the report.

CRCT – Page 1 The first part that is shown is either the content area or course for the EOCT.

CRCT – Page 1 This area shows the growth. The first bar shows the prior scale score. The height of the bar on the left shows the student’s grade 3 scale score and the bar on the right shows the grade 4 scale score. In between, shows the level of growth. In this example, it was 50th percentile growth which was considered typical growth. This shows the difference between achievement as demonstrated by the scale scores and growth.

CRCT – Page 1 There is is additional information regarding growth with specific information for that student. On the left the report shows what low, typical and high growth is.

CRCT – Page 1 In the right portion of the chart are targets and projections. It is important to know that these are estimates based on other students who have come through the system and how they have achieved and grown. The 1st percentile growth would lead to below expectations and the 99th percentile growth would lead to exceeds expectations. Then there are the two targets. These targets show what growth is needed to obtain the meets or exceeds category. This student would have to achieve achievement at the 6th percentile to be at the meets target and at the 89th percentile to be at the exceeds target. The paragraph reads, “Given this student’s performance, it is estimated that this student would need to demonstrate 6th percentile growth to meet expectations and 89th percentile growth to exceed expectations next year.”

EOCT 1/14/2019 This is an example of an EOCT report. Here we have growth for 9th grade Literature with prior of 8th grade ELA CRCT. There are no projections and targets for Grade 8 CRCT or any EOCTs. 1/14/2019

Contact Information For questions regarding the Georgia Student Growth Model Growth Reports, please contact: Joe Blessing Director of Testing and Assessment jblessing@atlanta.k12.ga.us (404) 802-2964 Visit www.whatissgp.com for more APS resources Visit http://gsgm.gadoe.org for GaDOE resources