Gaining 20 marks for A01 Deadline is 4pm on Tuesday 5th March
Starter Using the next four slides answer the following questions: How many marks is the project worth? Which AO is basically marked using EPF1? Which AO is basically marked using EPF2? Which AO is basically marked using your research and your literature review? Which AO is basically marked using your dissertation or artefact i.e. EFP3? Which AO are basically marked using your presentation and evaluation in your writing?
AO1 Manage (20) Assessment Criteria Evidence (highest mark band) LO1 Identify a topic supported by a rationale Negotiate and design a project. Explores various options and makes an informed decision in the selection of a topic based on solid rationale with focused and realistic aims and objectives. Negotiates and produces a coherent and detailed design in an appropriate format. LO2 Produce a plan and carry out a project using a range of strategies and methods to achieve objectives Produces an effectively designed and thorough project plan, setting realistic targets, prioritising goals with detailed actions on how objectives will be achieved. Implements project plan using sophisticated organisational skills, setting SMART targets and milestones, meeting deadlines. Takes full responsibility and works independently in putting plan into action, managing and prioritising tasks and actions.
AO2 Use resources (20) Assessment Criteria Evidence (highest mark band) LO3 Conduct research using a range of resources Select and apply data and/ or information relevant to the project Conducts research selecting from a wide range of relevant resources, including complex material and consistently applying information/data to the project All resources are acknowledged and referenced using a recognised form. LO4 Interpret and analyse data and/or information showing understanding of links and connections within the complexities of the project Interprets and analyses the relevant information /data to inform a cohesive outcome and conclusion Explores and confirms the validity and bias of sources Demonstrates ability to synthesise complex data and information. Comprehensive understanding of links, fully explores and establishes sophisticated connections within the complexities of the chosen project
AO3 Develop and realise (40) Assessment Criteria Evidence (highest mark band) LO5 Select and use a range of skills, including new technologies, where appropriate, to reach critical decisions. Critically selects and effectively applies a range of skills with precision relevant to the specific project. Embraces new technologies, using them creatively, where appropriate. LO6 Produce a planned outcome and realise the project in its entirety. Produces a cohesive project completed to a high standard, demonstrating knowledge and understanding of the topic authoritatively. Completes the entire project to a consistently high standard including a cohesive project outcome.
AO4 Review and communicate (20) Assessment Criteria Evidence (highest mark band) LO7 Presentation of findings and conclusions by selecting and using a range of communication skills. Makes an authoritative presentation of the findings and conclusions, showing extensive knowledge of project with detailed responses to questions. LO8 Understand and apply the principles of evaluation and review in relation to the planned outcome and own learning and performance. Understands the principles of evaluation by comprehensively evaluating the planned outcome against objectives. Effectively reviews own learning and performance, throughout the project process. Responds with maturity in a dialogue during the question and answer session.
A01 “manage: identify and design” We will now just look at AO1 LO1 and how it is marked to help you get 10/10 for your own AO1 LO1
L01 in A01 detailed mark scheme Look at the example EPF1 – how many marks would you give it for A01? The title was “How and why does the UK education system vary with Finland and China?” write your answers on the next slide
L01 in A01 answer
How can you get high marks for L01? EPF1 needs to be detailed! Have you “explored various options and made an informed decision” when choosing a topic? Did you explain your reasons for the topic and the format? Is your title a clear question? Have you given realistic aims and objectives? Are your objectives SMART? Do the objectives match the aim? Have you used these objectives in EPF2d? Aim for 3-4 pages for EPF1
A01 “manage: plan and implement” We will now just look at AO1 LO2 and how it is marked to help you get 10/10 for your own AO1 LO2
L02 in A01 detailed mark scheme Look at EPF2 – how many marks would you give it for L02? Write your answers on the next slide
L02 in A01 answer
Homework: 1. If you have not had a recent meeting with your EPQ supervisor you should arrange this now. 2. Review your forms EPF1 and EPF2 to try and ensure that you will get 20/20. 3. Finish your research and literature review 4. Start writing up your project using the headings from last week 4. If you have learnt new skills you should write this in section 7 pf EPF1 (page 7) and in the “Methodology” section of the project itself