7th Grade Week 4: 8/29-9/2 Mon: “Rikki-Tikki-Tavi” Quote Analysis Assignment, 3.8 directions Tues: MAP Testing Wed: Thurs: Fri: Quote Analysis DUE, Study Guide
Monday Instead of a Flashback today, please journal about someone you have lost. Remember and honor them by describing your favorite memory with them. What was their legacy in your life?
Learning Target I can use text evidence to analyze the plot. RL 7.1
“Rikki-Tikki-Tavi” QUOTE ANALYSIS DUE FRIDAY! Look at the Illustration Directions… 3.8 Directions… Book Talk Details... Reminder about my website and what to do when you’re absent...
Tuesday Copy the Agenda Flashback: Bell Ringer:
Learning Target I can. RL 7.
Wednesday Copy the Agenda Flashback: Bell Ringer:
Learning Target I can. RL 7.
Thursday Copy the Agenda Flashback: Bell Ringer:
Learning Target I can. RL 7.
Friday Have your Quote Analysis ready to turn in.
Learning Target I can read a book of my choice. RL 7.10
FREE READING FRIDAY! Expectations: Reading Silent Still Sit up ENJOY!