IB Technology Subject Guide Design Cycle: Plan IB Technology Subject Guide Your Plan Generate several feasible designs. Designs for story in flowchart include multiple ledes/kickers and at least 3 ideas for art. Evaluate designs against the specification. Use rubric to evaluate designs. Select one design, justify choice. Explain why the plan you selected best meets the design specifications.
IB Technology Subject Guide Design Cycle: Plan IB Technology Subject Guide Your Plan Construct series of logical steps. Address time and resources. Develop step by step plan that details what you will write and when. Include times/dates/ locations for all interviews. Plan time in class to use Style Book. Evaluate plan and justify any modifications to the design. Before changing plan, evaluate changes against rubric and explain how changes will improve.
Timeline 1/6 Finalize design specification Share feedback on design briefs. Discuss planning phase of design cycle. 1/10 First interview complete by start of class. Time in class to work on plan. 1/12 Plan due at start of class. Three interviews complete by start of class. Discuss creation phase of design cycle. Time in class to write/report. 1/14 Five interviews complete by start of class.