Link with Age Uk St. Peter’s School in Scarborough have made a link with Age UK 0800 169 8787
Befriend an Elderly Person! What do befrienders do? We all know what it's like to feel lonely, but did you know that nearly half of all people aged 75 and over live alone? One of the ways you can help is by volunteering to befriend an older person in your area. When you volunteer to befriend in your community, you will be matched by your local Age UK with an older person, who you will visit in their home or call to offer friendly regular conversation while building lasting companionship.
What We did! We contacted Age UK and were given a designated worker Mrs Cockburn. She visited school and presented her idea to the children! Each pupil was linked carefully with an elderly member of the community. The children wrote their first letters. The children all received very interesting letters in reply! The children could not wait to get writing again, many of them included water colour paintings and photographs of their pets etc.
The Benefits so far Our children had a real purpose for writing. They were so excited to receive letters in the post! The replies included some amazing historical and geographical information that the children then independently researched and shared with the class. The impact of WW2. 1936 the year of the Three Kings; George V, George VI and Edward VIII. A sense of connection within their community. An appreciation of how many elderly people had led extremely exciting lives!
In the yellow files! I have included photocopies of the children’s first letter. The letter that their pen pal replied with. The replies and the paintings that the children plan to send this week