2017 2018 Comparison of Data TOTAL 68 TOTAL 83 By Grade Level Number 6th Grade 12 7th Grade 39 8th Grade 17 TOTAL 68 By Grade Level Number 6th Grade 29 7th Grade 25 8th Grade TOTAL 83
Yearly Comparison of Referrals to Date Comparison of Data Year Yearly Comparison of Referrals to Date 8/1/14 to 11/18/14 105 8/1/15 to 11/17/15 104 8/1/16 to 11/14/16 102 8/1/17 to 10/30/17 83 8/1/18 to 11/02/18 68
Referral Descriptions Referral Code Number of Referrals AGG = Aggressive acts / Trip, Push, Hit, Spit 16 CAF = Cafeteria disruption 1 CAM = Campus disruption 3 CHE = Cheating 2 CLS = Classroom disruption DIS = Disrespectful towards adults 4 DSR = Disruptive (other than classroom) FFC = Failure to follow class/school rules FTC = Failure to complete disciplinary intervention HSP = Horseplay 6 INT = Intimidating students/school staff
Referral Descriptions Referral Code Number of Referrals PRO = Profane / Obscene / Abusive language / Images 7 RUD = Rude/Discourteous 2 SKP = Skipping class (not showing for class) 3 TAR = Tardiness TBC = Tobacco 4 TEC = Abuse or violation of the technology policy 1 THR = Throwing / Propelling objects TKG = Taking items (non-criminal) UMD = Unauthorized use of media/mobile device UNA = Being in an unauthorized area VMP = Violation of the medication policy