BELLWORK- fill in the blanks 0100 0200 0300 ____ 0500 0700 0800 1000 1200 1300 ____ 1500 1600 1800 2000 2300 What’s 12+12? What’s 24-12? What’s 23-12? What’s 11+12? How many hours are in the day? What do these numbers represent? Does the number “12” have anything to do with these numbers? You have just learned about military time, but what is the relevance???
Supplies Needed 3 ring binder Manilla Folders Paper Pens/Pencils Highlighter Optional= Markers, Colored Pencils, Index Cards (any size or color; several packs)
Expectations Abide by ALL school-wide rules, policies, and procedures (cell phone, dress-code, hall pass, food/drink, tardiness…) Be in assigned seat before bell rings working on bell work Begin bell work IMMEDIATELY (before the bell rings!!)! Turn OFF and put away cell phone BEFORE arriving to class unless directed otherwise by teacher Be respectful to ALL people, property and self (do not talk while teacher or other student is talking)
Respect me and I WILL RESPECT YOU!
Classroom Policies/Procedures Seated in assigned seat before bell rings working on bell work NO talking during a test or quiz! NO sharing food and drinks! NO POPCORN!!! Go to the restroom and vending machine BEFORE class- you will not be allowed to leave class unless you’re near incontinence (AKA uncontrollable bowel movement/urination) Do not get up and walk around/talk. Remain seated until the exit bell rings. No talking while teacher/guest/classmates are talking Cellphone must be off and out of sight- or it will be confiscated No working on other work during class- or it will be confiscated and given to the appropriate teacher No head down/sleeping Exit out of the FRONT, RIGHT side door ONLY! CLEAN UP YOUR MESS BEFORE CLASS ENDS; I AM NOT YOUR MOTHER! Sign the TARDY LOG if you are late
Make the BEST of it! “30 years from now, it won't matter what jeans you wore, how popular you were, what your hair looked like, or what sneakers you wore. What will matter is what you made of your education, and where it took you in life.” - Unknown
Grading Policy Test=20%,Quiz=20%,Daily=20%, Project/Lab=40% (including group work) Grades are earned…everyone has a 100% right now; just keep it! If you have perfect attendance (including no tardies), your lowest grade will be dropped. Cycle starts over at Midterms.
Goal Shape into professional, responsible career and college ready young adults!
“ Do what you love and you will never work a day in your life!" Own it! “ Do what you love and you will never work a day in your life!"
HOSA Officer: @67Officer Contact me Jbarker@gcssd.org REMIND Text your class code to 81010 Fall 2016 HS 2016: @GC2016HS MT 2016: @GC2016MT EP 2016: @GC2016EP HOSA: @GC1617HOSA HOSA Officer: @67Officer Spring 2017 CI 2017: @GC2017CI HS S2017: @GCS2017HS EMS 2017: @GC2017EMS
POP Quiz Shhh…No talking List (2) supplies needed for this class. When does bell work begin? Where are you to be when bell rings? Describe proper cell phone placement during class time. Who and What do we respect? If you are late, you must _______________. (T/F) You are allowed to get up and wander around the classroom during class. (T/F) It is okay to speak while another student, guest, or teacher is speaking. What food is NOT allowed in the classroom?? What must you do before leaving the classroom? (T/F) A hole in the jeans is okay. Why or why not? (T/F) A nose piercing is okay. Why or why not? What must you take care of before coming to class (since there is a 10 minute break between classes)? (T/F) It is okay to stand at the door waiting on the exit bell to ring.
HOSA- Future Health Professionals Reasons to Join: Looks great on college/job application Friends from across the world & GCHS Travel around the world Learn professionalism Learn leadership Learn teamwork Fieldtrips Scholarships
We’re Going to ORLANDO!!!! June 2017
We’ve Been to CALIFORNIA!!! Returning to California in 2 years!
Join HOSA!!! You won’t regret it! It’s the largest organization at GCHS! Cost is $30 & includes a t-shirt! Due September 16th
Military Time Review How is 6:00 AM written in MT? In MT, what time does school begin? What is 12:00 noon in MT? 1:00 PM is what in MT? What time does school dismiss for car riders in MT? What is 11:00 PM in MT? What is midnight in MT?
How are these said or read? Military Time Review What is 2300 hours in CT (civilian time)? What is 0001 hours in CT? What is 0300 hours in CT? What is 1100 hours in CT? What is 1200 hours in CT? What is 1700 hours in CT? What is 2100 hours in CT? What is 2000 hours in CT? How are these said or read?
NOTES Transverse- imaginary line which divides body into top/bottom Superior-above/upper Inferior-below/lower Cranial-toward the head Caudal-toward the tail Anterior-front Posterior- back Ventral- front Dorsal- back Proximal- (close proximity) close to attachment Distal- far (distant) from attachment Transverse- imaginary line which divides body into top/bottom Midsagittal- imaginary line which divides body into right/left Frontal/Coronal- imaginary line which divides body into front and back
Midsagittal Transverse Frontal/ Coronal
Draw & Label the (3) Body Planes Midsagittal Transverse Frontal/ Coronal
NEXT: Correlating Directional Terms to Body Planes
Super I or Posterior/Dorsal Cranial Anterior/Ventral Medial Infer ior Caudal Lateral
What kind of fin does a dolphin have? Where does that term come from???
Proximal Vs. Distal
Body Planes & Directional Terms
Draw & Label ALL Directional Terms
Label the diagram
Correlating Body Planes & Medical Terminology Ante- Post- _ a p Other Uses: Antedate; ante-mortem; antepartum Postdate, post-mortem; postpartum
Body Planes Review Simon Says Group Draw & Label (dry erase boards) Get in groups: Create an alternative version of “Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes”, replacing the terms with body planes and directions Kahoot! https://play.kahoot.it/#/k/23c1c183-d989-4596-86f5-8e5741879d2d Game PIN: 190666
Medical Symbols & Abbreviations ♀ ♂ r/t c (with line over it) s (with line over it) b/n ▲ R (circled) L (circled) Female Male Related to With Without Between Change Right Left
HOSA – Future Health Professionals http://www.tennesseehosa.org/ Who are the TN HOSA officers? http://www.tennesseehosa.org/2015-16-tn-hosa-state-executive-council.html What are the official HOSA colors? What are the benefits of joining HOSA? http://www.hosa.org/node/23 Who are the national HOSA officers (executive council) and where are they from? Where are the next 2 ILCs?
Intro to HS- Cultural Diversity Language “There is no official language of the United States, according to the U.S. government. While almost every language in the world is spoken in the United States, Spanish, Chinese, French and German are among the most frequently spoken non-English languages. Ninety percent of the U.S. population speaks and understands at least some English, and most official business is conducted in English.” -LiveScience.com In our geographical area, the most common translators needed in healthcare are for Spanish-speaking patients; therefore it is pertinent that as HCP we can communicate with our patients at the minimal level, at least!
Common Spanish terms & statements Mi nombre es…. Como se llama? Cuantos anos tiene? Soy su enfermero (a)? El cuerpo La cabeza La cara My name is…. What is your name? How old are you? Who is your doctor? Body Head Face