Short vowel words with digraphs Classroom News Week of November 12, 2018 Parent signature: Mrs. Dasher 912-754-5522 Peek into the week Spelling Pattern Students will: Reading/Phonics:/Writing read and spell words with digraphs ch, sh, th, wh read Turkey Trouble ask questions, retell, make connections, make inferences, answer questions about key details using text and pictures; write an informative text about turkeys identify nouns as words that name people, places, and things; proper nouns as nouns that name specific people, places and things and must be capitalized; and possessive nouns as nouns that show ownership by adding and ‘s Math: use fact families to add and subtract Find the missing addend 5+ __=7 or __+5=7 identify numbers that come before and after a given number identify more and less than a given number read and write numbers to 120 identify and count groups of tens and ones Social Studies: Social Studies test: students must be able to name one of Ben Franklins inventions and explain how it is used today know that Thomas Jefferson was the 3rd President and wrote the Declaration of Independence know that Lewis and Clark were explorers who made maps to help others travel west; know that Sacagawea helped them communicate with other Native Americans Give an example of how their life is different than people in the past Short vowel words with digraphs chip patch shot thump whisk Homework Addition/subtraction practice pages read passages and answer questions decodable sentences - read daily to build fluency drill sight words (make flash cards) Please initial at the bottom of the sight word list your child is ready to be tested on. read 4 books and record on your log Parents please sign the newsletter (indicating that you’ve read the info) on the line below the date. Special notes Reminders Ice cream is sold every Wednesday for $1. Make flashcards and practice sight words and phrases in the purple booklets. Students should be working on list 7 and beyond. We are planning to dress as bats for our book parade on November 16. We will make bat wings at school but I need the students to wear all black-preferably a long sleeve black shirt and long black pants. It can be a uniform shirt and pants or black sweat shirt and pants, or black jeans and black t-shirt. November 7-16- Book Fair – Our class will shop on November 13 from 2:00-2:30. 13- Book Fair shopping- Please send money in a separate envelope marked book fair. 16- PTSO birthdays and book character parade (wear black shirt and pants) 19-23- Thanksgiving Holidays 27- fall photo retakes 30- PBIS extra recess