How to yield the profit of carsharing in smart cities? ECOMM Challenge Session E:3 14 januari 2019
Carsharing is growing in the Netherlands… Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu 14 januari 2019
…how to yield the profit better in smart cities Parking policies don’t change along with lower car ownership Houses are built with parking spaces, even when buyers aren’t interested in owning a car Car ownership young house buyers expected to drop in cities Houses for young people could be built cheaper Stimulus for Transit Oriented Development Less street parking means more space for bicyle and walking infrastructure, playing grounds, green spaces etc Inflexible parking policies often discouraging for innovative builders Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu 14 januari 2019
Some examples in the Netherlands Houses for young adults (starters), near railway stations Carsharing is part of the marketing concept Initiative often from builder, not municipality Parking space not obligatory included, but for rent STACK – Haarlem Mobility-S Strijp S – Eindhoven Johanna (SSH student building) – Utrecht Het Timmerhuis – Rotterdam Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu 14 januari 2019
Challenge As carsharing grows, how can cities profit more from lower costs and extra space in the streets? Do cities have parking policies and spatial development tools to support the trend of stagnating car ownership? And are the tools sufficiently flexible to react to the new trend? Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu 14 januari 2019