Mark Honig Yorba Linda High School 2017-2018 AP U.S. GOVERNMENT Mark Honig Yorba Linda High School 2017-2018
Summer Assignment Read Chapters 1-3 in the text Review PowerPoints for Chapters 1-3 Read “Review Documents” for Chapters 1-3 Read all other resources posted on my teacher website Read and answer questions for the following articles (Due August 25): “Democracy and Other Words Not Found in the Constitution “Roche and Beard” McCulloch/Gibbons/Lopez Teacher website There will be an exam on Chapters 1-3 -- both MC and SAQ -- on the first two days of the school year
Expectations - Students Show up prepared to work everyday Notebook Pencils/Blue or Black Pens Highlighter Have a GREAT attitude Complete all assigned reading One MUST be self-disciplined enough to read the book in order to be successful in this class Review your notes EVERY NIGHT for 10-15 minutes Take advantage of opportunities to master the subject outside of regular class hours Watch the nightly news and Sunday News Programs Read online articles
Mr. Honig Prepare you for the AP Exam (May 10, 2018; 8am) Support you in your efforts to succeed in the class Offer plenty of opportunities for mastering the subject outside of regular class hours Early morning help Opportunities to review all quizzes/exams AP Exam Review Sessions (May 4 and 5, 2018)
Parent Expectations Subscribe to my teacher website Ask your son/daughter questions – i.e., discuss politics with them Give them positive feedback when warranted and a kick in the butt when necessary
Grades Grades are based on the following: Summer Assignment (10%) Chapter MC Exams (30%) FRQs (15%) Midterm/Final (20%) US Supreme Court Case Briefs (10%) Participation (5%) Two Week Review Period/Final Project (10%) Extra Credit Review Book Annotations AP Review Sessions Court Cases
Grades Continued… SCALE: 85% and above A 78% - 84.99% B 68% – 77.99% C 57.99% and below F If you focus on mastering the material and passing the AP Exam in May, I promise you your grade will take care of itself. I do not grade on a curve on assignments/exams, as my curve is reflected in the grading scale