NEO EDU 4.0 We have created a link between Industry 4.0 and Education 4.0. We have discussed the future jobs and new competences. We have analysed the Education 4.0 applications in the world. We have reviewed the national and international education 4.0 literature. We have compared Education 4.0 applications in the international field. In the light of Industry 4.0, we have identified the needs of our academicians, students and the sector.
NEO EDU 4.0 For our academicians, we have developed a « Training of the Trainer » program. With the participation of all our academicians, we have organized an Education 4.0 workshop. We have reviewed our curriculum and renewed our Bologna information packages in line with our Education 4.0 target. We have added new elective courses into our curriculum such as Artificial Intelligence, Industry 4.0 and Digital Transformation, On-site Lab (Maker Lab), Social Responsibility, Lifetime Sports, Sign Language, Social Relations and Pluralism. By digitalizing our courses in our curriculum, we have made them accessible to our students regardless of time and place.
NEO EDU 4.0 We have reached the Digital Campus target with many different digital applications. Within the scope of personalized education, we have assigned student coaches, consisting of one academician and one sector representative, to each of our students. We have created sectoral application ateliers such as Maker Lab, Virtual Stock Market, Phoenix Lab, Air Traffic Control Simulator, Bridge Training Simulator, Airplane Cabin Simulator, Ambulance Simulator, Broadcast Studio, Fiction, Photography, Drawing and Dance Studios in order to help our students gain field experience. We have established NishNova to meet our students’ needs to access the resources such as information, consultancy and mentoring on entrepreneurship. We have put into force our ideal of a campus for all ages. We have designed Neo Edu 4.0 by going beyond the traditional education patterns with our students and academicians.
WITH THE HELP OF NEO EDU 4.0, OUR STUDENTS WILL Learn independent from time and space. Have life coaches from academicians and private sector representatives. Receive an education according to their personal skills, learning and background information. Learn, based on projects. Benefit from digital campus facilities.
WITH THE HELP OF NEO EDU 4.0, OUR ACADEMICIANS WILL Plan the education with the help of supervisors from the sector. Serve and work as student coaches. Be one who gives answers to questions rather than a teller. Carry the technology to the educational platform. Manage initiative and innovative projects.