R3 Water: Energy Efficiency Marjoleine Weemaes WWC Brisbane: October 2016
Hydrothermal carbonisation? What is Hydrothermal Carbonisation? incineration digestion thickening dewatering Conversion process for biomass Thickened sludge (20-30% DM) Pressure + heat (20-25bar, 180-220°C) Acid catalyst Exothermal process Split off HO- -anions and (H+)- cations to water Advantages: Increased dewatering efficiency Production of lignite like biocoal (stablized, hygienized) Possibility to recover P HTC
Full scale tests Dewaterability 28% DS 65% DS Industrial scale plant: 1,5t DM Biomass (25% DM) ~ 1,0t DM Biocoal (65% DM) Dewaterability 28% DS 65% DS What is the capacity of your full scale (or do you prefer to call it demonstration scale) plant?
Conclusion Hydrothermal carbonisation proved to be efficient to significantly increase dewatering efficiency Improvement of energy balance in thermal end disposal Opportunities to recover phosphorus