West Yorkshire and Harrogate Cancer Alliance Community Panel Introduction and thank you. Email - fraser.corry@healthwatchwakefield.co.uk Telephone - 01924 208327
Email - fraser.corry@healthwatchwakefield.co.uk Why establish a Community Panel? Patient and carer voice. Diverse group of people with skills and experience. To represent West Yorkshire and Harrogate. Support Cancer Alliance work streams. Sub group focus. Patient Voice - Putting patient, carer and service user’s voice at the very heart of decision making. I’m aware that years ago we had a Yorkshire Cancer Network User Partnership Group (YCN UPG), which was a very effective patient panel and operated between 2002 to 2012!! Examples of the work included, Patient-led one to one interviews, helping cancer patients move on post treatment and other projects to help reach patients and carers from ‘hard to reach’ BME groups Diverse Group - Represent as diverse a group of participants (various ages, areas, backgrounds) and as many cancer types as possible. WY&H - The panel represents six geographical areas of West Yorkshire and Harrogate, including Wakefield, Kirklees, Calderdale, Leeds, Bradford & Airedale and Harrogate. Support the work streams – The panel is being funded by the Cancer Alliance, who have 5 different work streams that relate to cancer patient care. We will support work that is ongoing and look at new projects, as a functional patient panel, sounding board and community voice. Sub group focus – Panel size of around 18. Meeting size of 5 to 10+. Some members will want to participate remotely due to issues such as mobility and travel which will be accommodated. Email - fraser.corry@healthwatchwakefield.co.uk Telephone - 01924 208327
Email - fraser.corry@healthwatchwakefield.co.uk What is the WY&H Cancer Alliance? 1 of 19 alliances in England Covers 6 Localities Everyone is part of the Alliance 1 of 19 – There are 19 Cancer Alliances across England and Wales. Our local Cancer Alliance area is defined as West Yorkshire and Harrogate. 6 Localities - Wakefield, Kirklees, Calderdale, Leeds, Bradford & Airedale and Harrogate. Everyone is a part!! - Cancer Alliance is made up of NHS organizations; local councils; charities; community and voluntary organizations and groups; patients and others affected by cancer in a partnership to: design and deliver the transformation of services and care; to reduce variations in the availability of good care and treatment; to deliver ongoing improvements in the future; to pilot innovative approaches and to share best practice. 5 Work Streams - Tobacco Control, High Quality Service, Prevention and Early Diagnosis, Living With and Beyond Cancer, Patient Experience. The Cancer Alliance is governed by the Cancer Alliance Board. The board is headed by professor Sean Duffy and made up of different partners, McMillan, NHS, Healthwatch, Yorkshire Cancer Research. Patients First The Cancer Alliance seeks to put Patients at the very heart of the decision making. More people die from cancer in West Yorkshire and Harrogate than is the average elsewhere in England Every week 250 people are diagnosed and 115 people die. Lung cancer is the most common Mention about how the connections with the Cancer Alliance can involve the Panel in decision making. 5 Works streams Patients First!! Email - fraser.corry@healthwatchwakefield.co.uk Telephone - 01924 208327
What will the panel be involved in? Share experiences and participate in crucial discussions. Help design services in order to support cancer patients. Community Panel Support the Cancer Alliance to put patients and carers at the heart of decision making. Mention that the following are not all encompassing and the Panel will shape itself as time goes on. Share experiences and participate in crucial discussions – It may be that you have lived with cancer and can share your views, skills and experiences. E.g. – A new service is being introduce and our patient panel can discuss the pro’s and con’s and feedback any suggests to influence the decision making and final product. Design cancer care materials to help reach patients – Our Panel may review different patient materials, comment on their suitability and suggest any amendments. E.g. – Reviewing a letter that is to go out to patients, how the wording might be misunderstood or a leaflet where a crucial element that is key to patients is missed!! Help design services in order to support cancer patients – Whether it is an existing service that needs improving, or a new patient service being introduce to cancer patients, we will be passed different projects to look at, we will discuss as a patient group and make suggestions. E.g. – A new type of Holistic Care Plan is to be introduced to cancer patients and the our feedback is sought on how it should function. Heart of decision making – This sums up what our patient group is about, to work collectively to influence the decision making processes, for the greater good. It’s your experience and voice that is of value. Design cancer care materials to help reach patients. Email - fraser.corry@healthwatchwakefield.co.uk Telephone - 01924 208327
Email - fraser.corry@healthwatchwakefield.co.uk What are the commitments? Attend panel meetings once every 2 to 3 months. Communication via email or phone. One-2-one engagement and sub groups. Online or teleconferencing meetings. Willingness to help support the Cancer Alliance work streams. Work as a team to discuss and problem solve various projects. A flexible approach. Talks through points. Email - fraser.corry@healthwatchwakefield.co.uk Telephone - 01924 208327
How will our community panel function? Email - fraser.corry@healthwatchwakefield.co.uk Telephone - 01924 208327
Feedback Community Panel Process Map Tobacco Control. High Quality Service. Prevention and Early Diagnosis. Living With and Beyond Cancer. Patient Experience. Community Panel Panel meets to discuss work streams, share ideas and agree outcomes Feedback 1. Discussions. 2. Materials. 3. Services 4. Decisions Community Panel Process Map Ongoing contact via email, telecommunications or other IT platforms. Further subgroup and individual meetings as required. Talk through points. Email - fraser.corry@healthwatchwakefield.co.uk Telephone - 01924 208327
Email - fraser.corry@healthwatchwakefield.co.uk To make a difference in someone’s life, you don’t have to be brilliant, rich, beautiful, or perfect. You just have to care Quote is from Twitter entrepreneur Mandy Hale It’s hoped that our panel can help to improve : key services for cancer patients, carers and their families. Deliver a voice to influence the design making processes in the NHS and other supporting services. Contribute to providing a better experience for those receiving care. Establish a panel reputation of consistency in what we deliver. Email - fraser.corry@healthwatchwakefield.co.uk Telephone - 01924 208327
Email - fraser.corry@healthwatchwakefield.co.uk Any Questions Please do take an application form or email fraser.corry@healthwatchwakefield.co.uk Mention where were at so far in terms of our progress, membership and prompt audience to take an application form or email in!! Email - fraser.corry@healthwatchwakefield.co.uk Telephone - 01924 208327