MACRO-REGIONAL STRATEGIES ACROSS EUROPE RTA-ATN Atlantic Transnational Network of Economic and Social Actors EESC, 26-11-2014
Cooperation Network of economic and social actors of the Regions of the Atlantic Seaboard on issues of common interest regarding the Atlantic Embraces Regional Economic and Social Committees of the Atlantic and analogous organisations where this institutions do not exist.
Welsh Economic Fora Irish Sea Maritime Forum -CESER de Basse-Normandie, Bretagne, Pays de la Loire, Poitou-Charentes, Aquitaine, Limousin y Région Centre. -CES Canarias, País Vasco, Cantabria, Asturias (O), Galicia, Andalucía . -ISQ, Foro Empresarial da Economía do Mar.
Produces reports,opinions and recommendations on the basis of a shared vision of Atlantic issues of a plurality of socioeconomic actors. Addressed to regional, national and European institutions. Ports, Intermodal and Maritime Transport, Maritime safety, R&D, Ocean energy, Atlantic Strategy Contributed to EESC Opinions on the Atlantic.
A STRATEGY FOR THE ATLANTIC REGION The Baltic Strategy prompted aspirations for a macro-regional strategy in the Atlantic. Atlantic networks mobilised. June 2010, EU Fisheries Council aks the Commission to elaborate a MARITIME Strategy for the Atlantic. DG MARE elaborates a strictly maritime strategy for the Atlántic, a Sea-basin strategy.
ALTHOUGH THERE ARE SIMILARITIES BETWEEN MACRO-REGIONAL STRATEGIES AND SEA-BASIN STRATEGIES………. Related initiatives, for example, sea-basin strategies under the Integrated Maritime Policy, can also benefit from the approaches outlined in the Commission´s Report concerning the governance of macro-regional strategies Regulatory framework for European Structural and Investment Funds for 2014-2020 places macro-regional and sea basin strategies into the legal framework of the EU. Place-based and with a focus on common issues, solutions and actions of strategic relevance, providing added-value Requires strategic cooperation and coordination among policies Implementation requires integrated approach establishing cross-sectoral cooperation and coordination mechanisms as well as multi-stakeholder dialogue. Supported by all means of funding, european, national, regional, private.
…..THERE IS ONE IMPORTANT DIFFERENCE AND DRAWBACK The focus is on maritime issues, developing for the Atlantic sea-basin the Integrated Maritime Policy and Blue Growth Initiative. Maritime dimension, without a territorial pillar. The maritime economy needs an active, dynamic hinterland and the synergies that allow for consistent development of the region as a whole. As a sea-basin strategy, the Atlantic Region cannot take full advantage of the benefits in terms of accelerated development and strengthened territorial cohesion to the same degree as Regions with a fully fledged macro-regional strategy can. Unbalance if all Regions not endowed with the same tools.
The Atlantic Maritime Strategy CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES GROUPED IN 5 THEMES: Implementing the ecosystem approach, Reducing carbon footprint Sustainable exploitation of seafloor´s natural resources Responding to threats and emergencies Creating socially inclusive growth AN ACTION PLAN WITH 4 PRIORITIES: Promote entrepreneurship and innovation Protect, secure and enhance the marine and coastal environment Improve accessibility and connectivity Create a socially inclusive and sustainable model of regional development
IMPLEMENTATION No Implementation envisaged in the Strategy. Atlantic Forum, to develop the Action Plan and be disolved. Very weak implementation mechanism envisaged in the the Action Plan. “Light and tightly-focused”, providing: Political commitment and oversight Awareness of the Action Plan Private sector buy-in Evaluation and assessment of progress Coordination mechanisms not developed yet
COMPOSITION OF THE IMPLEMENTATION/GOVERNANCE MECHANISM ASG: Political impetus. Guidance and Stewardship of implementation 5 MS + DG MARE+EP+EESC+CoR Commission: Support to ASG, Monitors implementation and reports to ASG. Oversees activities of Assistance Mechanism. Assistance Mechanism: Technical Assistance to disseminate information and advise project promoters on project financing Atlantic Stakeholder Platform: Aims to Involve stakeholders in implementation by holding an annual meeting. Project focus. No Priority or Action Leaders, no working groups, no mechanisms to coordinate actions between MS and give impulse to needed projects. Implementation relies on project promoters.
Some Final Remarks Integration of macro-regional policy into EU´s governance structure and EU wide guidelines defining a macro-regional development strategy useful to overcome imbalances among strategies. European Institutions role key in Macro-regional strategies as there is a european interest to be preserved. More visibility to the High Level Group dealing with macro-regions (Atlantic Strateg included) EESC support to regional organised civil society networks crucial to be in a position to contribute to macro-regional strategies.