The Psychology behind Successful Tourism Marketing How DMOs are Changing The Psychology behind Successful Tourism Marketing
HPR Digital Marketing LLC
Myth #1: We are living in a Digital Economy Reality: We are living in an Experience Economy
HPR Digital Marketing LLC Myth 2: Cyberspace is not a real place Cyberspace is an actual place!!….You may access it from familiar safe places but as soon as you go on line you have travelled in terms of your awareness, consciousness, emotions, your responses and behavior into a new land. HPR Digital Marketing LLC
Myth # 3 All content has the same value: Gated and Ungated Content HPR Digital Marketing LLC
HPR Digital Marketing LLC Gated Content requires some information such as name or email, or a subscription, from you to be able to download the information. HPR Digital Marketing LLC
Un-Gated Content, such as found in Facebook, or any of the other social media platforms and many blogs, just gives information away as a benefit for liking that page, and to show thought leadership of the author.
HPR Digital Marketing LLC The #1 Biggest Digital Marketing Mistake: Placing a gated ad promoting a product, using traditional or digital media, paid search, social media, eNews, etc. HPR Digital Marketing LLC
HPR Digital Marketing LLC Response tool is sent back. It can be in many forms. BUT WHAT HAPPENS NEXT IS A DEAL BREAKER! SILENCE! HPR Digital Marketing LLC
What Visitors Looking For? Top of the Funnel 75% of Website Traffic Middle of the Funnel 22% of Website Traffic Bottom 2-3% Broader Information on the product/destination General Information on the activities, events, products, services & solutions Specific Information about your product. Conversion Questionnaire sent out.
Lifecycle Stages The buyer persona you target with your content is just one half of the equation. In addition to knowing who someone is, you need to know where they are in the buying cycle ( i.e. how close are they to making a purchase?). This location in the buying cycle is known as a lifecycle stage. For the purposes of this template, we’re divvying up the buying cycle into three lifecycle stages: Awareness, Consideration, & Conversion.
We are drowning in data and starving for knowledge (John Naisbit) Make your data meaningful:
The most important DMO stat is ROI The most important DMO stat is ROI. If you can’t prove conversion you are dead in the water.
HPR Digital Marketing LLC Making Work Hard for You HPR Digital Marketing LLC
What Drives Social Media? “Ambient intimacy” is the act of being in contact with key influencers on a regular basis that you normally could not achieve because of time and distance. HPR Digital Marketing LLC
The Need for Social Validation: When consumers haven’t enough information to make independent opinions and hunt for clues such as; popularity, trust, rankings, etc.” HPR Digital Marketing LLC
HPR Digital Marketing LLC So, what makes content interesting enough to engage? HPR Digital Marketing LLC
HPR Digital Marketing LLC Content that confronts our assumptions, and shakes us up. (Jeff Goins) HPR Digital Marketing LLC
HPR Digital Marketing LLC Why do we perform the action of “Liking” certain pages, or posts, on Social Media? HPR Digital Marketing LLC
Why We “Like” on Social Media It adds value to a relationship That value is called the “Reciprocity Effect” i.e. I’ll like you if you’ll like me back. This is also the FOMO Effect (Fear of missing out) Being liked on social media produces a dopamine rush that is as addictive as alcohol and certain drugs. To provide value to others, NOT just for you “Social Badging”: People validate their self worth through the purchase of brands, or by the organizations with which they align.” 40% of people who join a facebook business page do it for Social Badging. Exact Target Research 2011 HPR Digital Marketing LLC
HPR Digital Marketing LLC Why We Comment Most marketers feel that “engagement” is key for advocacy. Yet only 13% of their audience feel the same way….hmmm HPR Digital Marketing LLC
HPR Digital Marketing LLC Check the % of Facebook page followers that are local vs from feeder cities. Are you preaching to the choir? HPR Digital Marketing LLC
HPR Digital Marketing LLC
Two kinds of Online Influencers: Influencers who create content for their audience on your behalf. Influencers who share your content with their audience.
Marketing, PR, and Social Media are increasingly part of the same strategic plan with common team members.
Building and managing relationships with those who influence an organization or individual’s audience is a critical part of public relations.
Personal Social Media can be a very narcissistic activity
Posting about ourselves often comes in the form of what is called “Social Badging”. (40%)
68% of us will “share” someone else's content to “Social Badge” i. e 68% of us will “share” someone else's content to “Social Badge” i.e. to show what kind of things we care about, and build out our personal image.
Social Badging aligns our purchases, possessions, travel, things we love, and through these things, we present a reflection of who we are. Social Validation is when others approve, like or share what we have shown to be important to us.
Sharing provides a form of Social Currency. 62% of us feel better about ourselves when someone has shared, liked or commented positively about our content.
So, how can we get ourselves more of this Social Currency of sharing, liking and commenting for our clients?
Surveys have shown that digital brands promoting the social conscience and good deeds of that Brand, rather than its core product, are likely to receive 58% more engagement
So, what makes content interesting enough to engage?
Content that confronts or our assumptions about the Brand, and shake us up. (Jeff Goins)
Why do we perform the action of “Liking” certain pages, or posts, on Social Media?
Why We “Like” on Social Media It adds value to a relationship That value is called the “Reciprocity Effect” i.e. I’ll like you if you’ll like me back. (Holiday Cards) Your job on social media is to help and connect other people. To provide value to others, NOT just for you
A recent New York Times study revealed that sharing is part self-fulfillment and part relationship building. The Study Revealed the Top 5 Reasons People Share: 84% share to Support a Cause 78% share to Stay Connected 69% share for Self-Fulfilment 68% share to Define Who They Are 49% share for Entertainment
Difference between Adwords advertising and Facebook advertising. With Facebook the algorithm pulls from your personal profile. With Adwords, it pulls from the keywords used by the person searching for information as answered by the landing page.