(Geneva, Switzerland, 15-16 September 2014) ITU Workshop on “ICT Security Standardization for Developing Countries” (Geneva, Switzerland, 15-16 September 2014) Session 1 – ICT infrastructure development, new security threats and counter-measures Patrick Mwesigwa, Director/Technology, Networks and Services, Uganda Communications Commission Email: pmwesigwa@ucc.co.ug Geneva, Switzerland, 15-16 September 2014
The session aims at addressing the following key areas: Session objectives The session aims at addressing the following key areas: ICT infrastructure development and challenges related to new security threats Best practices in formulation of national strategies, government and industrial collaboration to fight cybercrime. Critical Information Infrastructure Protection and related standards Geneva, Switzerland, 15-16 September 2014
Speakers/presenter line-up The session is privileged to have the following five eminent presenters: Mainza Siamubayi Handongwe, Information and Communications University, Zambia, “Challenges and Successes in the Zambia ICT Security Sector” Francois Zamora, Orange “Security and Business continuity for ICT, a case study by Orange” Mikhail Kader, CISCO, “IoT (Internet of Things) and Security” Geneva, Switzerland, 15-16 September 2014
Speakers line-up contd Gustavo Damy, UPU, “Mitigating online risk for postal e-services” Fernando Alvarez, ABB, Switzerland “Smart grid security within IEC TC57/WG15” Geneva, Switzerland, 15-16 September 2014
Questions for round table Mr Handongwe: We note that Zambia has established a computer forensic laboratory and trained police officers in security and computer forensics, are there any cases in which culprits have been successfully prosecuted for committing cybercrime? Mr Zamora: Orange is operating in a number of developing countries, how has the company assisted those countries in addressing security challenges? Geneva, Switzerland, 15-16 September 2014
Questions contd Mr Kader: In your view, are the existing security standards adequate in addressing the new security challenges posed by Internet of Things? 4. Mr Damy: We commend the collaboration between UPU and ITU on security issues, going forward in which particular areas under SG 17 do you see UPU participating more actively? Geneva, Switzerland, 15-16 September 2014
Questions contd Mr Alverez: In your view what can we do to encourage more participation in activities of TC57 WG15 especially for developing countries? How can SG17 and IEC/TC57/WG15 cooperate and share expertise on smart-grid security? Geneva, Switzerland, 15-16 September 2014