By: Students from SACPS-5 Prudence Save the environment! By: Students from SACPS-5 Prudence
How to Save the environment? By doing the three R’s: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle: Eg: 1.Do not waste the papers that you have used and use both sides of it. 2.Do not throw away your shampoo bottles, they can still be reused. How? By making them into something new. Examples Are:
Do You know: Look at the amount of trash: How much paper wastage are there in Singapore? Why is Singapore getting more hotter everyday? What is the cause of the heat in Singapore?
Why is the world getting hotter? Singaporeans have been wasting too much paper and the more papers we use, the more number of trees being chopped down and if this continues, there will be no shade for us.
How do we reduce the heat on earth? Practice the three R’s that I have taught you.
Lets do our part to Save the environment together! Thank you!