50,000 Gram Panchayats and 1 crore Households Poverty Free by 2019 MISSION ANTYODAYA 50,000 Gram Panchayats and 1 crore Households Poverty Free by 2019
Main Running Theme of Deprivation: Landless Manual & Casual Workers Particular Deprivated Households Landless and manual casual labour (D7) % Only zero room or one room with kucha walls and kucha roof (D1) 2,37,31,674 1,41,13082 59% No adult member between age 16 to 59 (D2) 65,15,205 30,46,605 47% Female headed households with no adult male member between age 16 to 59 (D3) 68,96,014 37,32,041 54% Disabled member and no able bodied adult member (D4) 7,16,045 3,25,070 45% SC/ST households (D5) 3,85,82,225 2,08,86,654 No literate adult above 25 years (D6) 4,21,47,568 2,32,18,296 55% Landless households as manual casual labour (D7) 5,37,01,383 100% Insecure & Uncertain Income Unsafe and Poor quality Houses Low on Skill & Education Assetless
DOUBLING INCOME OF HOUSEHOLDS IN RURAL AREAS REQUIRES…….. Higher Agricultural Productivity, market Linkage and remunerative prices. Custom hiring Centres, mechanization. Diversification of livelihoods – Animal Husbandry, Dairy, Horticulture, Pisciculture. Moving up the skilling ladder. Faster Urbanization. Gram Panchayats with performance based HR for results. Service sector, manufacturing, value chain development – processing, value addition. SHG social capital – beyond just micro finance.
Poverty Free Gram Panchayat Connectivity, Roads, Internet, LPG, Cashless, Adhaar, IT/DBT SC/ST/ Women/ OBCs/ Minority Well being Poverty Free Gram Panchayat GPDP Education Skill Development Power, Housing, ODF, Waste Management Health and Nutrition Agriculture & Water Conservation Bank/Credit/ Financial Inclusion Women SHGs Economic Activity Social Protection for old, widows, disabled Non Farm Livelihoods, Multiple Livelihoods Sports Youth Clubs Culture
Measuring Poverty Free Panchayats/Households Baseline/Ranking of GPs on Development – Panchayat Darpan. Developing Composite Development Index. Web based Panchayat Ranking. Comparing HH to SECC deprivation status – Social Registry. SHG women as Social Auditors. Panchayats with human resources – performance outcome thrust. Gram Panchayat Development Plan (GPDP) – Composite approach – including 14th Finance Commission Grants.
Andaman and Nicobar Islands Avg. population per GP Himachal Pradesh National Average population per GP: 3,440 Punjab Uttarakhand Assam 3 Highest States West Bengal (18,607) Kerala (18,567) Assam (12,185) Rajasthan Bihar Gujarat Madhya Pradesh West Bengal 3 Lowest States Punjab (1,331) Uttarakhand (885) Arunachal Pradesh (599) Orissa Telangana > 10000 Avg. population per GP 5001-10000 Avg. population per GP 2001-5000 Avg. population per GP Tamil Nadu Andaman and Nicobar Islands 500-2000 Avg. population per GP Kerala
Measuring GP Performance Household’s Well - Being INFRASTRUCTURE AND ACCESS TO SERVICES SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT AND PROTECTION ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND DIVERSIFICATION OF LIVELIHOODS All Weather Road (Y/N) % of children fully immunized % of HHs with more than one livelihood Internet Connectivity(Y/N) % of 0-3 children under weight, stunted, wasted % of HHs practising sustainable agriculture. % of Households safe and secure from calamities % HHs accessing timely primary health care % of HHs with Adhaar linked Bank Accounts % of HHs getting power for 12 hours daily % of HHs with food security and clean water % of HHs with over Rs. 20,000 in Savings account. % of HHs cooking on LPG % girls completing Secondary Education/ Skill Certificate Course % of HHs in non farm employment % of Agricultural Land irrigated % of old, widows, disabled under social protection % of HHs selling produce/products in market. % of HHs with solid and liquid waste management/ODF % of 18-24 year covered under Skills/Higher Education % of HHs that have leveraged over Rs. 20,000 as Bank credit.
Preparedness for Poverty Free 80% MGNREGS workers Adhaar linked. Water Conservation & Road Standards in MGNREGS. 3.44 Crore women in SHGs – to reach 4-5 Crores by 2019. Micro Plan for diversifying livelihoods of 1 Crore HHs – DAY - NRLM. 95-100% IT/DBT in MGNREGS & PMAY (G). Space technology use – geo tagging of MGNREGS and PMAY assets. Effective SHGs in 74,000 GPs, over 3000 Intensive Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana – NRLM Blocks ODF villages – social capital 900 + SAGY GP & 300 Rurban Clusters.
HR Reforms for Results Horizontal Integration of functionaries at GP level. Redefining Job Responsibilities, Specifying Outputs. Performance-based Payments for Women CRPs. Blended (wage plus performance based) payments for programme functionaries. Social Audit Feedback loop for functionaries. SHGs as community cadres – Bank Sakhis, Book Keepers, Pashu Sakhi, Kisan Sakhi, Social Auditors.
TARGET 2019 50,000 Gram Panchayats Conserving Water – Drought Proof. 45 lakh households covered under Skills – DDUGKY & RSETI. 55 lakh covered through individual livelihood support. 5 lakh Producer Groups – 4 - 5 Crore women in SHGs. Markets, value chains, non farm livelihoods for SHGs. All eligible habitations connected by all weather road. Swachcha Bharat Mission – IHHLs for all. 1.35 Crore Houses under PMAY(G) and IAY. Bank linkage of Rs. 60,000 crores per year for SHGs. Solid and Liquid Waste Management in 50,000 GPs. Revised PMRDF programme – 6000 professionals demonstrating idealism on scale in 3000 Blocks.
Financing 50,000 Poverty Free GPs and 1 Crore Households out of poverty On going MoRD programme resources Rs. One lakh Crore – MGNREGS, DAYNRLM, PMAY Gramin, PMGSY, NSAP, DDUGKY, RSETI – 15 – 20% Annual increase. Other programme resources – SSA, RMSA, MSDE, NHM, ICDS, Swachcha Bharat Mission, PMKSY, PMKVY, etc. Fourteenth Finance Commission Resources – Rs. 488 per capita p.a. Scaling up resources for DAY – NRLM - Revolving Fund, Community Investment Fund, Skill Development. Rs. 4000 Crores additional per annum. Resource generation by Gram Panchayats – property, user charges.
Leveraging of RD Programmes for Doubling Income SHGs - Social Capital for Solid & Liquid Waste Management Livelihood Planning Participation in Panchayats Improving Credit Linkage SHG – Individual member account link On lending Institutions Multiple Dose Community cadre – Bank Sakhi Agriculture Livelihoods MKSP – 34 lakh Women Farmers Custom Hiring Centre Processing & Value Chain Farm Ponds, Wells, Composting Markets – sustainable agriculture Water Conservation Distressed regions Scientific DPR approach under MGNREGS Leveraging of RD Programmes for Doubling Income Thrust on Animal Resources Pashu Sakhi Dairy Producer Company/Coop. Goatery / Poultry Fisheries Skills & Livelihoods Placement based wage employment Self-Employment Convergence – Textiles (MSME, KVIC, Processing) Community Resource Persons as Performance Based Cadre – Like ASHAs
States and Panchayats are ready for Mission Antyodaya It is possible to make 50,000 GPs and 1 Crore households poverty free by 2019 A convergent, technology led, asset focused, coordinated, saturation approach is the answer. States and Panchayats are ready for Mission Antyodaya