Foxes Safeguarding This information is not exhaustive but a guide on how to keep your daughter safe whilst playing netball England Netball Safeguarding and Protecting Young People in Netball Policy is mandatory and Foxes accepts the responsibility to safeguard the welfare of all young people and protect them from poor practice, abuse and bullying. Let’s work together to keep everyone safe. As parents / carers: Please remind your daughters: about ‘stranger danger’, particularly if they are playing at venues without parental supervision. For example, if they move away from the court (i.e. go to the toilet) then they should go in pairs and tell a responsible (known) adult. Bullying, inappropriate language and behaviour will not be tolerated. Show respect (at all times) to your team mates, umpires, coaches, the opposition and remember it’s a game to be enjoyed but not at the expense of others. As a club, we will: Treat all youngsters fairly regardless of their age, ability, gender, race, religion, ethnic origin, social status or sexual orientation. Ensure all adults who have “regular supervisory contact with young people” will hold a clean Data Barring Scheme form. Take any allegations seriously and deal with it quickly and in line with England Netball Policy and Procedures. Please see other items on the website. For further advice, information or guidance, please contact Lisa Barton via the following email address: