Geometric Ideas This title is too vague. Change to Lines, Line Segments, Points, and Planes (that is how we have named the appropriate topics in SI)
Geometric elements are used when building bridges such as this Geometric elements are used when building bridges such as this. Let’s look at some of the geometric elements that can be found on this bridge.
Points A point is an exact location in space. This is what a point looks like. This would be called “point J.” J
Lines A line is a series of points. These points go on and on forever in two directions. A line looks like this: This would be called “line EF.” E F
Line Segments A line segment is part of a line. It has two endpoints and therefore does not go on and on forever. This is called “line segment PQ.” P Q
Rays A ray is part of a line. It has one endpoint, but stretches on and on forever in the other direction. This is what a ray looks like: This is called “ray WX”. It stretches on forever to the right. Combine to second two sentences to make a complete sentence. “endpoint, but stretches on…” W X
Planes A plane is a flat surface that stretches on and on. Planes extend in all directions. This is called “plane ABC.” .B .C .A This is just a suggestion for an extra slide, not a revision. I thought it’d be neat to tie back to the original photograph and point out a line segment, a point, etc on the photograph. Certainly not necessary though…
Take another look at the bridge. Can you find a point on the bridge Take another look at the bridge. Can you find a point on the bridge? Can you find a line segment on the bridge?
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