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Presentation transcript:

PHSI PMO FORUM #PMOForum Hospital Group programme – Introduction and progress to date Carole Broadbank National Portfolio Lead for HG with PHSI 31st January 2018

About me…. 30 years in Healthcare, Nursing, Operational management, Senior leadership roles in both Public and private providers, NHS and HSE Led projects in the development of models of care in both scheduled and unscheduled care including Frailty, Ambulatory care and Diagnostic imaging Responsible for programmes of organisational change Developed Organisational strategy for Quality 11 of the new posts are not filled yet but are on the way. In CHO it’s 6 unfilled posts locally and 1 nationally. In HG it’s 3 unfilled posts locally and 1 nationally. Breakdown is 37 local and 26 national in post.

About the role… Lead for the HG portfolio and the HG PMO team Working with NDAHDs team Supporting development of the Operating model for the HG’s Supporting local HG PMO teams in design and implementing both national and local projects Working with other PMO teams to embed integration to support operational colleagues to deliver change 11 of the new posts are not filled yet but are on the way. In CHO it’s 6 unfilled posts locally and 1 nationally. In HG it’s 3 unfilled posts locally and 1 nationally. Breakdown is 37 local and 26 national in post.

HG operating model -What does this mean and why is it important? There are huge opportunities for change! HGs are in place and designing their strategic plans based on national policy e.g. Sláinte care In developing an operating model together we can ensure that we ‘design in’ the best possible aspects of care delivery that can be applied across the country 11 of the new posts are not filled yet but are on the way. In CHO it’s 6 unfilled posts locally and 1 nationally. In HG it’s 3 unfilled posts locally and 1 nationally. Breakdown is 37 local and 26 national in post.

HG operating model – progress to date Working with Acute Hospitals HR and QPS leads Design principles and change objectives agreed 2 work streams commenced Nov 18 identify capacity and capability required in QPS and HR functions at:- Group level Hospital level accountability and governance for each function ensure all activities relating are captured Will feed into HG strategic design work 11 of the new posts are not filled yet but are on the way. In CHO it’s 6 unfilled posts locally and 1 nationally. In HG it’s 3 unfilled posts locally and 1 nationally. Breakdown is 37 local and 26 national in post.

HG operating model - next steps Involve and engage national teams and key stakeholders to ensure fit with other Op models e.g. centre Design options to be agreed end Q1 Early Q2 2018 - Preferred models to be discussed and agreed with Group CEO’s at Steering group 11 of the new posts are not filled yet but are on the way. In CHO it’s 6 unfilled posts locally and 1 nationally. In HG it’s 3 unfilled posts locally and 1 nationally. Breakdown is 37 local and 26 national in post.

HG programme – other key interactions Working with process experts in other programmes:- ICP for children QPS – Frailty (ICPOP) Clinical Governance NAS Working with CHO portfolio lead across the wider PMO network to build a community of practice and to support integration 11 of the new posts are not filled yet but are on the way. In CHO it’s 6 unfilled posts locally and 1 nationally. In HG it’s 3 unfilled posts locally and 1 nationally. Breakdown is 37 local and 26 national in post.

Thank you for listening 11 of the new posts are not filled yet but are on the way. In CHO it’s 6 unfilled posts locally and 1 nationally. In HG it’s 3 unfilled posts locally and 1 nationally. Breakdown is 37 local and 26 national in post.