Healthwatch Hertfordshire: Strategy 2016 – 2020 Michael Downing : Chairman Keith Shephard: Support and advice
Today Who we are and what we do Current programs and project examples What are currently doing, and planning to do (our draft Strategy)
Our role A Charity – funded by Government, and commissioned by HCC National Body and Network Board of Volunteer Trustees 8 staff – based in WGC Gather views about local health and care services Present those views to decision makers and providers Offer advice
Working together Healthwatch is committed to working with voluntary and community sector organisations to ensure the voices of service users and communities are heard and represented Healthwatch works with Clinical Commissioning Groups, the Care Quality Commission, Health Scrutiny to make sure that services meet citizens’ needs, and many others – and ‘critical partner role’
Current Programme and Projects - examples Involving young people Health and Social Care complaints systems Dental services (with PHE) Enter and view – care homes ( volunteers) PLACE ( volunteers) Mental health and learning disability service watch EU Migrants – wellbeing
Strategic Objectives 2016 - 2020 Strategic influence From evidence to outcomes Reach and Communication Strengthen the voice of the public Sustainable and high quality service
Strategic Influence Effective participation in key developments Right place, right time ( Oversight Group WHHT, Integrated Care Partnership Board) Strong relationships ( critical partner) Capacity to respond to ‘things that happen’
From evidence to outcomes Investing in research and policy capacity Developing smart information gathering systems Report key trends through Board Diversity of contacts with the public
Reach and Communications Expansion of Contacts – extra 4300 people across the County Diversity of engagement Programme of events –getting out and about Social media Marketing
Strengthen the voice of the public Using trained volunteers to represent Healthwatch and gather views – analyse and report Giving voice to seldom heard and vulnerable groups Build on our work with Young People
Sustainability and Quality Running a ‘modern business’ Professional and volunteers Reputation Enterprise
Informing us and getting involved Talk to Us! 01707 275 978 Douglas Tilbe House Hall Grove Welwyn Garden City Hertfordshire AL7 4PH
Informing us and getting involved Talk to Us! /healthwatchhertfordshire @hwhertfordshire
THANK YOU Any questions?