Consumer Rights And Responsibilities
History Every consumer has certain basic rights In 1962, President Kennedy outlined what was called the Consumer Bill of Rights Consumer rights have received much attention since the beginning of the consumer movement in the 1960’s. Consumer rights come with certain responsibilities.
Consumer Bill of Rights Right to Safety Consumers should be protected against goods that are hazardous to health and life. Right to be Informed Consumers should be protected against fraudulent or misleading advertising, labeling, or sales practices. They should be given the facts needed to make informed choices. Fraud is the deliberate deception designed to secure unfair or unlawful gain. (selling something as new, when it has actually been returned)
Consumer Bill of Rights Right to be Heard Consumers should be assured that their interests will be considered in the making of laws. Right to a Remedy Consumers are entitled to swift and fair remedies for consumer problems. A company’s promise that a product will meet specific standards over a given period of time is called a “warranty”. Right to Consumer Education Consumers should be taught about the market system, how to work within that system to get them greatest possible satisfaction for their money.
Consumer Bill of Rights Right to Service Consumers have a right to be entitled to convenience, courtesy and responsiveness to problems and needs. Right to Choose Consumers should be assured access to a variety of goods and services at competitive prices. When a business has no competition and control over the market for a good or service they are said to have a “monopoly”.
Consumer Responsibilities Responsibility to use products safely Consumers should use products as they were meant to be used and follow recommended procedures for care and maintenance. Responsibility to use information (knowledge) Consumers should look for information about products they plan to buy and use it to compare and evaluate different brands and models.
Consumer Responsibilities Responsibility to choose carefully (reasonableness) Consumers should use their buying power intelligently to encourage ethical business practices and safe, reliable products. Responsibility to speak up (involvement) Consumers should keep themselves informed on consumer issues and let public officials know their opinions. Consumers should be honesty with their complaints and should conduct themselves as upright citizens. (no shoplifting, dishonest returns, removal of tags, etc…)
Consumer Responsibilities Responsibility to seek a remedy (reporting) Consumers should let businesses know when their products and services do not measure up to expectations…pursue legal/available remedies when problems arise. Responsibility to learn (knowledge) Consumers should take advantage of every opportunity to develop consumer skills.
It’s Not Easy! Being a consumer is difficult when you have many choices. Grocery stores/dept. stores may have hundreds of options of different products on sale. Thankfully, there are many places to look for the best buy.
The Informed Consumer A wise consumer is an informed consumer! In order to be an informed consumer, we must acquire information about products and services before buying them. Consumers have to power to decide to buy or not to buy.
The Business Role Businesses go to great lengths to be responsive to the needs of the consumers. Without satisfied consumers, businesses would not make sales, earn profits, or perhaps remain in business.
Your Standard of Living People usually seek the highest standard of living that their incomes will allow. You can get more for your money and raise your standard of living by becoming an informed consumer. Your standard of living is probably determined more by how wisely you spend rather than by how much money you earn.
Consumer Information Organizations Organizations or branches of organizations have been developed to help inform consumers. They test products and offer advice They publish magazines, award seals of approval, and endorse products for quality and safety.
Product Testing Organizations Their main purpose is to test products/services. Manufacturers pay private firms to perform safety tests on products. Underwriters Laboratory, Inc. (UL) Tests electrical products for fire safety. Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers (AHAM) Consumer Reports