Patient Experience is no longer just a clinical initiative.
Not only is it the right thing to do, It will increase patient satisfaction and patient loyalty
Speak to value – patient perception(s)
In talking with Chris from Bridgefront…
How many of you have looked for a new vendor because of poor service?.... As competition increases it’s becoming vital to gain patient loyalty.
Perception is reality Survey research about how billing effects patient perception (how they perceive quality) NEWSFLASH: The current perception of healthcare billing is not positive. The media has done us no favors.
What does that mean to your revenues What does that mean to your revenues? Are these your high dollar services?
Patient may not be able to distinguish good healthcare from great healthcare…but they understand customer service. They’re familiar with the types of interactions taking place in the revenue cycle.
They have expectations for the technology and touch point interactions… They’re not measuring you against other health systems They’re measuring you against other industries
Airlines: When their flight is 10 minutes late, I get a text and a call. Then I get a follow-up, next day apologizing. Hospitality: I can book my room either online or through my phone. Banking: I get an alert any time my account status changes. eCommerce: Let’s just say it’s way too easy to spend money. They’ve perfected the user experience online.
Describe the patient touchpoints throughout the revenue cycle.
Think about your patients walking in your health system for the first time… Does that scare you? Or does it provide you confidence?
Why the previous illustration is important.
Think about your first love…
I sit on a lot of webinars and very seldom is a roadmap provided… To do anything well, there has to be a passion for the mission.
If you would like an overview of a sample roadmap, feel free to contact me after this webinar…
Who are all of your managers/supervisors that oversee patient-facing employees…
Are there technology limitations? Continued training needed? Lack of focus?
Do you have a list?
Where are my quick wins?
If you want to have exposure in your system, launch this initiative.
The biggest misconception in the patient experience, is that it’s all about atmosphere…
You do not get what you expect. You get what you communicate. Open dialogue with your partners is critical.
On my prep call with Chris…”Consumers. Formerly known as patients…”