Rome Review Everything you needed to know but were afraid to ask…. Well almost everything.
Roman Empire Where did it extend?
Eastern Roman Empire What is the name of Eastern Empire?
Patricians Who were the Patricians?.
Plebeians Who were the Plebeians?
Greece influence on Rome How did Greece influence Rome?
What is this? What is this similar to? How is it different?
What is this? What is it used for?.
What is this? What was this used for? Who participates in this structure?
Punic Wars Who fought during the Punic Wars? What was the result?
Pax Romana Who started Pax Romana? What is it? When did it end?
Tribune Who were they? From what social class?
Gladiators Who are they?
Twelve Tables What are they? What concept used today is in the Twelve Tables?
Ides of March What is this date? What happened on this day?
Caesar Augustus Who was he? What did he do?
Paul, Peter, and Christianity Why were they important? Where did Paul go? What are core Christian beliefs?
Jewish Diaspora Where did they go? Why did they leave?
Roman Republic What is a republic? Who made the laws and decisions? How is this similar to our government?
What is a large, wealthy farm called? What is a Roman military unit called? Who are soldiers serving for pay? A belief contrary to the teaching of the Church? Who were consuls? Which emperor ended persecution of Christians? Which made it the official religion? Who divided the empire? Anything else?