Mrs. Corissa LaPanse PVHS 2017-2018 COURSE OUTLINE: 1st Semester 2nd Semester Reconstruction - Depression Immigration - Roosevelt Industrialization - New Deal Gilded Age - WWII Progressive Era - Cold War Imperialism - Civil Rights WWI - Vietnam 1920s - 1980s REQUIRED MATERIALS: 5-subject spiral notebook *Suggested: Mead Five Star 5 subject Advance Spiral Notebook with fabric end, pen holder, plastic covers & removable tabs. Loose leaf paper Writing utensils 1 Box of Tissues Tests Activities Quizzes Notebooks Daily Participation Projects Classwork/Homework FIND ME HERE: All websites are not personal and are strictly for professional use. EXTRA HELP: Before School 6:30 am 2nd & 5th periods After School by appointment Class Website
Late Work/Makeup Policy: EXPECTATIONS: Polite: Students will treat their peers, the instructor, the classroom, & the equipment with respect. Prompt: Students will arrive in class & be seated before the bell rings. Tardies can be equivalent to a partial absence. Prepared: Students will come to class prepared & keep an organized notebook **Cell Phones will not be allowed during the class period unless directed by the teacher. Students caught on the phone will have their phone taken away for the class period. The use of a cell phone may result in a 0 on the assignment. Continual use of an unauthorized cell phone will result in communication home. Snacks & drinks are allowed. Students are expected to respect the teacher, classroom & the custodial staff. Make sure you clean up after yourself. #notyourmaid Late Work/Makeup Policy: Assignments will be accepted after the due date. For each day that the assignment is late, 10% will be taken off of the earned points, until the assignment reaches 50%. Make-up work will be taken for each unit up until the day of the test. They will not be accepted after the end of the unit, no exceptions! There are NO MAKE-UPS on warm ups. It is your responsibility to get your makeup work from the missing work bin. There will be retakes allowed on tests and quizzes. In order to be allowed to complete a retake, you must fill out the “Request to Retest” sheet and turn it to me. To retest, you must complete 3 different activities that show how you improved your understanding. Opportunities for extra credit will be given only at the teacher’s discretion. There will be constant extra credit opportunities in the form of the Current Events board. Students should not ask for extra credit. Extra credit is to help your grade, not to rely on extra credit for a satisfactory grade. Work hard throughout the year and you will be successful in this class. Daily Participation Points: Every day, each student will be awarded 10 participation points. 5 points will be taken away if a student is tardy. The other 5 points will be awarded for classroom participation. These points can not be made up if a student is absent. Do not line up at the door waiting for the bell to ring, stay seated until the bell Bathroom Pass: In order to use the bathroom pass, students must leave a personal item with the teacher (cell phones, ipods, keys, etc.) They will be returned when the pass key is returned. Students may not leave the classroom within the first and last 10 minutes of the class period.
Room: M101 Off Hours: 2, 4, & 5 Course Objective This course will explore United States History, influential dates and people, and periods of time that changed the course of the country and the World. Please sign and date the space below and have a parent/guardian sign and date to show you have read and understand to this information. Student Signature __________________________________ Date __________________ Parent Signature ___________________________________ Date __________________