Advanced Placement United States History Mrs. Wilson Periods 3 & 6 Welcome to APUSH Advanced Placement United States History Mrs. Wilson Periods 3 & 6
Welcome to World History What makes this course interesting? Explore events of U.S. history through the use and analysis of documents, images, cartoons, quantitative data, and other primary sources Develop an understanding of major themes in U.S. history, including American identity, economic and social life, political change and continuity, and the U.S. role in the world Your Instructor: Mrs. Wilson United States Expansion Image source:
AP US HISTORY TEXTBOOKS AMSCO reader Newman, John, and Schmalbach, John. 2016 United States History: Preparing for the Advanced Placement Exam. Each student receives a take-home copy. Henretta Henretta, James, et al. 2014. America’s History. Class set of textbooks. Each student receives a code for on-line access.
AP US HISTORY Grading: 60% EXAMS every 2 weeks Begin with MC, adding SAQ (short answer question), the DBQ (Document based question) and Long Essay All writing styles for the AP exam are taught and tested 20% NOTEBOOKS graded every 3 weeks BLEND assignments 3 assignments per chapter Guided reading HIPPO, SAQ, other writing styles Reflection on activity/ map/ other 20% QUIZZES every week Topics are from the guided reading assignments
AP History Reasoning Skills Skill 1: Contextualization Skill 2: Comparison Skill 3: Causation Skill 4: Continuity and Change over Time
Thematic Learning Objectives The thematic learning objectives describe, at a high level, the knowledge colleges expect students to develop in the AP U.S. History course in order to be qualified for credit and placement. The learning objectives are grouped into seven themes typically included in college-level U.S. history courses: American and National Identity (NAT) Politics and Power (POL) Work, Exchange, and Technology (WXT) Culture and Society (CUL) Migration and Settlement (MIG) Geography and the Environment (GEO) America in the World (WOR)
Concept Outline Historical Periods Period 9: 1980–Present
AP US HISTORY EXAM The AP EXAM DATE: Friday May 11 I Part A: Multiple-choice questions 55 questions 55 minutes 40% Part B: Short-answer Questions 3 questions 40 minutes 20% II Part A: Document-based question 60 minutes (includes a 15-minute reading period) 25% Part B: Long essay question 40 minutes 15%