Oedipus The King Background Info
Author Bio Sophocles 496 BC(?)-406 BC Composed more than 120 plays, but only 7 have survived intact. He was gifted, admired, and successful but ironically had a dark view of human life. His plays feature heroes with tragic flaws that lead to their ruin.
Tragedy Oedipus the King is the model of a tragedy. Aristotle defines a tragedy as “an imitation of an action that is serious, complete, and of a certain magnitude.” He also stated a tragedy triggers two emotions in its audience: pity and terror. Tragedy comes from the Greek word for goat, Goats were sacrificed and sacred.
Greek Plays Oedipus the King is based on a legend that was familiar to ancient Greeks. Thespis, a Greek poet, introduced acting which is where we get the word “thespian” meaning actor. A Greek Theater is on page 261. Compare this to the Globe Theater on page 819 (Shakespeare) that you learned about last year. Same: Different:
Globe Theatre review 3 story wooden structure with an open air courtyard in the center. Actors performed on a raised stage within the courtyard. Holds 3000 spectators, many of whom stood in the pit (part of the courtyard near the stage). Groundlings paid lowest admission. Richer patrons sat in enclosed galleries or inner balconies, which surrounded the courtyard.
Back Story Take notes on the back story located at : http://prezi.com/jkcblrhdf4gf/copy-of-oedipus- rex/
Literary Devices As we read, you will be responsible for finding evidence of the following literary devices as they are employed in Oedipus. Your commentary (analysis) should identify your understanding of these terms. This quote journal will be part of your final. Tragic Hero Metaphor Tragedy Simile Monologue Internal Conflict External Conflict Characterization Paradox Foreshadowing Verbal Irony Dramatic Irony Situational Irony
Dramatic Irony Irony that is inherent in speeches or a situation of a drama and is understood by the audience but not grasped by the characters in the play.
Verbal Irony When a person says or writes one thing and means another, or uses words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of the literal meaning.
Situational Irony An outcome that turns out to be very different from what was expected, the difference between what is expected to happen and what actually does.