Governance, Information & Reporting (DG ENV D4)


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Presentation transcript:

Governance, Information & Reporting (DG ENV D4) Meetings between Commission and national experts on the implementation of the INSPIRE Directive Governance, Information & Reporting (DG ENV D4)

bilateral meetings (1) In 2015 a strategy was drawn up by DG ENV in order to identify the next steps to follow more closely implementation of the INSPIRE Directive. All though full implementation is not until 2021, there are already a number of deadlines that have elapsed under the INSPIRE acquis. Based on assessment of the situation there are still a number of challenges ahead, and a number of shortcomings concerning application were identified in all Member States.

bilateral meetings (2) It is also important to position INSPIRE implementation in the context of the new Regulatory monitoring initiative. The meetings also have a focus on priority- setting under the environmental acquis as part of the INSPIRE implementation process. It also gives opportunity to draw attention to linkages of INSPIRE and the Digital Single Market Strategy (DSM), especially on interoperability and eGovernment aspects.

bilateral meetings (3) Main elements of the evidence-base used by DG ENV to assess implementation in the Member States are the following: the yearly monitoring indicators reported by the Member States (for years 2010-2014) and the 3-yearly implementation reports; the actual indicators based on harvested metadata from the registered Member State Discovery service(s); the occurrence and accessibility of Member State metadata, data and services in the INSPIRE Geoportal; the mid-term evaluation report on INSPIRE implementation, jointly prepared by the JRC and the EEA.

bilateral meetings (4) As a result of its findings, DG ENV has decided on the follow-up process with all Member States. As a first step, EU pilot letters were initiated with those MS who failed to connect their discovery services to the EU geoportal (MT, IT, BG, LT, CY). Any further action will be decided following their reply. As a second step, bilateral technical meetings are organised. A series of meetings will take place with most of the remaining 23 Member States. Important: The order of these meetings does not in any way give an indication on the extent of shortcomings or the level of non-compliance as assessed by the Commission. This is the 17th meeting.

bilateral meetings (5) The objectives of these technical meetings are: To clarify the understanding of the shortcoming in the implementation; To identify actions and set priorities; To discuss ways in which the national authorities could be best assisted in ensuring swift and complete implementation; Encourage MS to strengthen coordination with national counterparts in charge of ENV reporting. Drawing up an action plan based on the conclusions of the meeting to close implementation gap and address the priority-setting. These should also to be reflected in the May 2016 INSPIRE reports. Cotinue with broader discussion on priority-setting also with the MIG-P and, MIG-T (April-June 2016).