Sabbaticals & Jubilees From Creation to Alexander the Great Sabbaticals and jubilees create repetition, pattern and design, and design is evidence there is an Intelligent Designer. My purpose here is not to encourage others to observe sabbaticals and land rests or to give advice about forgiving others’ debts every seven years. The purpose is to simply prove that sabbaticals and jubilees have been utilized by the Higher Realm. It is not to set dates and predict the future nor to show what that Realm will do. Only God knows what He will do and when. 1/14/2019 Floyd R.Cox
From Creation to Alexander After researching this and other related topics for decades, I am convinced that the sabbaticals and jubilees are utilized by the Higher Realm in bringing events to pass. To start out, I need to explain that the Israelites were told to begin counting sabbaticals and jubilees when they entered the promised land ( Lev 25:2-3). There are several proofs that sabbaticals and jubilees also existed prior to Joshua’s conquest, prior to when the Israelites crossed the Jordan River into the Promised Land. The following contains evidence they go all the way back to Adam and that the 50th-year jubilees are actually 49 years apart. Adam died 931 years after the priests’ and rabbis’ date of Creation, 3761 BC. This is equal to 19 jubilees (19 x 49). There are no 50th years interfering with the 7-year pattern in these 931 years. This is comparable to counting seven weeks to Pentecost Sunday. Pentecost is the 50th day but does not interfere with the seven-day weeks. Shem was age 98 at the flood. This is equal to 2 jubilees (2 x 49). Again, there is no 50th year to interfere with the 14 sabbaticals in 98 years. What we have then is a period (allegedly 1656 years) from Adam to the flood that may be assumed to begin and end with jubilees, and it is followed by 61 sabbaticals from the flood to Abraham’s calling. Babel fell and the nations were dispersed 251 sabbaticals after the creation of Adam. Abraham was born 352 years after the flood, and he was called at the age of 75. This makes 427 years (or 61 sabbaticals). Abraham was called the first time while he dwelled in Ur. Ex 14: 12:40 suggests that he was called 430 years before the exodus, but Acts 7:2-4 says he was called a second time, while he dwelled in Haran, when he was 75. This was likely 427 years before the exodus because it fits the 427-year pattern. From Adam to the temple, there were 427 sabbaticals, or 61 jubilees. From the flood to Abraham’s second calling, there were 427 years. 7. I Kings 6:1 says the temple was founded by Solomon after 479 years had passed and when Solomon’s first 3 years had passed. (Hint about the 427-year pattern: If we added 52 years to the 1656 years before the flood, this would make 1708 years to the flood (427 x 4), which would place the flood in a sabbatical year, in Shem’s 98th year. If we subtracted 52 years to the 479 years between the exodus to the temple, there would be 427 (479-52= 427). Then the exodus would be a jubilee year, and the temple would be founded in a sabbatical year. Without adding or subtracting 52 years, there are still 427 sabbaticals or 61 jubilees from Creation to the temple. These 61 jubilees are not to be confused with the 9 jubilees (441 years) from Joshua to the temple. This will be discussed later. 1/14/2019 Floyd R.Cox
Topics of Discussion Jubilees, the 50th years, are 49 years apart. There are 70 jubilees (3430 years) from the rabbinical date of Creation (in 3761 BC) to Alexander (331 BC). In 331 BC, Alexander the Great allowed the Jews to observe their sabbaticals without paying tribute. This is 51 jubilees after the death of Adam. 331 BC is 6 jubilees (294 years) before Herod conquered Jerusalem in 37 BC. 37 BC is four jubilees times 19 after Creation. There are 70 jubilees (3430 years) from the rabbinical date of Creation (in 3761 BC) to Alexander’s visit to Jerusalem in 331 BC. In 331 BC Alexander left Alexandria, and, as he approached Jerusalem, he saw the fulfillment of his dream. Levite priests were leaving Jerusalem all dressed in white linen and formed a procession led by the high priest coming out to meet Alexander. When he saw the priest’s royal attire, his breastplate bearing God’s name next to 12 stones, he and his armies bowed down. Then they all went into Jerusalem, where Alexander decreed that the Jews could observe their sabbaticals without paying tribute in those years. That was in 331 BC, 70 jubilees (3430 years) after the rabbinical date of Creation (3761 BC). It was 66 jubilees (3626 years) after the corrected date of Creation. It was 51 jubilees after the rabbinical date for the death of Adam. It was 47 jubilees after the corrected date of Creation. 331 BC was 4 jubilees before Herod the Great conquered Jerusalem in 37 BC. 34 BC, when Herod conquered Jerusalem, is four jubilees times 19 after Creation. 1/14/2019 Floyd R.Cox
Time has not been lost. Ages are not in chaos. According to the priests & rabbis, 331 BC is also 4 jubilees (294 yrs) before Herod conquered Jerusalem in 37 BC. 37 BC = 4 jubilees x 19 (3724 yrs) after Creation. How does this relate to us? 37 BC was a jubilee year. 1189 AD: Richard de Lionhearted was crowned in a jubilee year (per Dr.B. Zuckermann) 2022 AD is a jubilee year. Again, Alexander’s visit was in 331 BC, 70 jubilees (3430 years) after the rabbinical date of Creation (3761 BC). It was 66 jubilees (3626 years) after the corrected date of Creation. 331 BC was 51 jubilees after the rabbinical date for the death of Adam. It was 47 jubilees after the corrected date of the Creation of Adam. 331 BC was 4 jubilees before Herod the Great conquered Jerusalem in 37 BC. How does this relate to us? This means that 37 BC, 1189 AD and 2022 AD are jubilee years. 1/14/2019 Floyd R.Cox
The Date of Creation The rabbinical date of Creation is 3761 BC. The true date is 3957 BC. The priests and rabbis had removed 4 jubilees (196 years). They removed 60 years between Abraham and his father (Terah), and their temple was dated 832 BC instead of 968 BC (136 yrs). These two revisions equal 196 yrs removed. The true date, 3957 BC, places Alexander’s arrival in Jerusalem 74 jubilees (3626 yrs) after Creation and 55 jubilees after Adam’s death. Adam lived 19 jubilees after Creation. (Note: Adam was made on Tishri 1, 3760 BC. Creation was before Adam, in 3761 BC.) How does this relate to us? This would place Creation 6,000 yrs before 2043 AD. The rabbinical date of Creation is 3761 BC, but the priests and rabbis removed 4 jubilees (196 years) in order to support the Bar Kochba Revolt against the Romans in 132 AD in a jubilee year. They removed 166 years of the Persian period and did not allow 30 years of overlapping during the kings of Israel. They removed 60 years between Abraham and his father and set the date of the temple as 832 BC instead of 968 BC. These two subtractions equal 196 years (4 jubilees). Therefore, the true date of Creation, 3957 BC, places Alexander’s visit in 331 BC 80 jubilees after Adam’s creation or 61 jubilees after Adam’s death. How does this relate to us? This would place Creation 6,000 years before 2043 AD. 1/14/2019 Floyd R.Cox
The Harbinger The Harbinger covers two collapses in the New York Stock Market and predicts a third collapse, all three occurring seven years apart, on the day before the seventh month begins, when debts were to be released. Sept. 17, 2001 = Elul 29 (market’s worst fall since 1929) Sept. 29, 2008 = Elul 29 (market fell 777 points in one day) Sept. 13, 2015 = Elul 29 (market may have worst fall in history) These would allegedly be in 5761, 5768 and 5775 years after Creation according to the rabbinical calendar. Are these synchronized with clocks of the Higher Realm? The Harbinger (by Jonathan Kahn) covers two collapses of the U.S. Market and predicts a third collapse, all three occurring seven years apart, on the day before the seventh month begins, when debts were to be released: Sept 17, 2001 = Elul 29 (market’s worst fall since 1929). September 29, 2008 = Elul 29 (market fell 777 points in one day). September 13, 2015 = Elul 29 (market may have the worst fall in history). Using the rabbinical calendar, these would be 5761, 5768 and 5775 years after Adam. Is The Harbinger right about the 7-year cycle since Creation? Is the Higher Realm using sabbaticals and jubilees as interventions into our lower realm? 1/14/2019 Floyd R.Cox
What Does This All Mean? Our clocks need to be synchronized with the Higher Realm, because their clock is based on sabbatical and jubilee patterns. The king of Babylon became a beast for 7 yrs, one jubilee before the second temple was founded. Adam was created and later died in a jubilee year. Shem was 98 years old at the flood. The temple was founded 61 jubilees after Creation, and there are 61 jubilees from the temple to 2022 AD. Alexander visited Jerusalem in a jubilee year, and Rome allowed the Jews to have sabbaticals. Rome fell (in 476 AD) 15 jubilees after Alexander (331 BC). To answer this, it is necessary to confirm when the sabbaticals and jubilees are and what has happened on these dates. We need to set our clocks according to the Higher Realm, not because we want to set future dates, but because the Higher Realm has been utilizing the sabbaticals and jubilees to carry out its Master Plan. That Realm is in control. Adam died 19 jubilees after Creation. Solomon founded the temple 61 jubilees after Creation, and there are 61 jubilees from the temple to 2022 AD. Therefore, sabbatical cycles go back to Creation before the time of Joshua. 1. Sabbaticals after the first year of Nebuchadnezzer: 604 BC: Nebuchadnezzer began to rule at the beginning of a sabbatical cycle. 569 BC: Nebuchadnezzar became as a wild beast for seven years. 520 BC: 49 years after Nebuchadnezzer was as a wild beast, the second temple was founded in 520 BC. 457 BC: the 7th year of Artaxerxes. 34 AD: the 490th year after 457 BC. 132 AD: the 588th year after 457 BC. 2. Sabbaticals after Alexander’s visit to Jerusalem: 331 BC: Alexander visited Jerusalem 39 sabbaticals after Nebuchadnezzer began to rule. 310 BC: the second year of Seleucid, was six jubilees after Nebuchadnezzer began to rule. 37 BC: Herod captured Jerusalem six jubilees after Alexander visited Jerusalem. 1189 AD: when Richard de Lionhearted was crowned was a jubilee year. 1/14/2019 Floyd R.Cox
What Must We Do? What is required of us? Our belief system should not be based on commentaries or commentators. Read the Bible. Read Jeremiah 34 about how Judah refused to release their fellow Hebrews during a sabbatical and how this led to the destruction of Jerusalem. Discover how priests and rabbis changed their calendar in 132 AD to show that it was a jubilee year. They wanted to oust the Romans and reclaim their land back. This will be covered next. What is required of us? First, stop listening to commentators who say that time is lost or tell you that the ages are in chaos. Second, prove all things. What does the Bible really say? Read Jeremiah 34 about how Judah refused to observe her last sabbatical and what really led to the downfall of Jerusalem. Third, Google for information about the Bar Kochba revolt in 132 AD. The priests, rabbis and leaders changed times, seasons and calendars to prove that Bar Kochba was the promised Messiah sent to fulfill the jubilee by ousting the Roman occupiers and to return everyone to their own land Joshua had given them. More on this altered jubilee cycle next time. Leaders with a hidden agenda can alter the calendar. 1/14/2019 Floyd R.Cox