VC/2012/0413 – ‘’Providing targeted advice on ESF support to apprenticeship and traineeship schemes’’ Flavia Pesce, IRS Rome, 16th October 2014
One contract: two main objectives To assist the Commission in supporting governmental bodies (at national and regional level) and social partners in Member States: In setting up new apprenticeship and traineeship schemes, in particular programmes supported through ESF In improving the quality and performance of existing apprenticeships and trainee programmes …Through the delivery of an integrated and holistic package of targeted capacity-building support (Dec 2012-Dec 2014) Overall expected result: ESF will make a contribution to substantially increasing the supply of apprenticeships in the EU - an increase of 10% would add a total of 370,000 new apprenticeships.
Overview of Tasks Task Key Outputs Dates 1. Review existing apprenticeship and traineeships schemes Guidebook (6 languages) Including 27 Country Fiches and good practice examples Publication: December 2013 2. Tailor-made assistance (Helpdesk, consultancy…) Helpdesk (6 languages) Consultancy support 15 Feb 2013 - Dec 2014 - ongoing 3. Conference to exchange practice and identify needs Conference for 150 key stakeholders 5th-6th June 2013 4. Seminar on evaluation and monitoring Seminar for 60 participants 4th-5th Feb 2014 5. Review of schemes under ESF 2014-2020 Report on relevant programmes ongoing 6. Website & online exchange platform LinkedIn group Since Feb 2013 (ongoing) 7. Awareness-raising & promotional activities Promotional activities (flyer, events…) Through the delivery of an integrated and holistic package of targeted capacity-building support, designed to promote structured mutual learning, cooperation and exchange of good practices 2 research-led exercises to compile updates on apprenticeship/traineeship schemes and their effectiveness; 2 events to facilitate mutual learning (one focused on good practice in designing and delivering schemes and the other monitoring and evaluation to support implementation); A Consultancy Helpdesk to provide one-to-one advice and training to national and regional agencies setting up apprenticeship schemes; A website with a shared information exchange platform to encourage visibility and participation in the initiative; A programme of awareness raising and promotional activities and events to engage and maintain the participation of stakeholders and to foster dialogue between education and training partners and business institutions.
Overview of ongoing activities Task 2: Tailor-made assistance Advice and consultancy via helpdesk from specialist policy experts Advice available in 6 languages: EN, FR, DE, ES, IT, PL Examples of enquiries relevant to the Helpdesk service (Request for support to prepare for the new programming period 2014-2020; Recent reforms relevant to apprenticeship and traineeship schemes in various Member States; Information about different company-based apprenticeship schemes in various Member States) Tailored consultancy trough organisation of specific trainings/seminars in Member States (for example on certification, role of employers and evaluation; on guidelines for drafting training curricula; on role of social partners and procedures):1 completed and 5 under preparation) Overall expected result: ESF will make a contribution to substantially increasing the supply of apprenticeships in the EU - an increase of 10% would add a total of 370,000 new apprenticeships.
Overview of ongoing activities Task 5: Review of schemes under ESF 2014-2020 PAs and OPs analysis in order to understand: whether apprenticeships and traineeships are taken into account within the PAs/OPs how apprenticeships and traineeships are taken into account within the PAs/OPs How are apprenticeships and traineeships considered in the YEI At the moment all the PAs and OPs already approved are under analysis. Overall expected result: ESF will make a contribution to substantially increasing the supply of apprenticeships in the EU - an increase of 10% would add a total of 370,000 new apprenticeships.
Overview of ongoing activities Task 8: Awareness-raising & promotional activities Participation of high level policy experts in activities and events in different Member States to raise awareness of apprenticeships and the project’s results among key stakeholders. Participation at national events has contributed to initiating relationships with key stakeholders and the provision of training/consultancy to meet specific support requests. Overall expected result: ESF will make a contribution to substantially increasing the supply of apprenticeships in the EU - an increase of 10% would add a total of 370,000 new apprenticeships.
Project Team Consortium partners Web 6 High-level policy experts Technical assistance teams (Helpdesk, web, comms, event organisation…) 28 National policy experts Consortium partners Overall expected result: ESF will make a contribution to substantially increasing the supply of apprenticeships in the EU - an increase of 10% would add a total of 370,000 new apprenticeships. Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training