Electricity 1/14/2019
Electrical Hazards Electrical Testing Final Function Testing Maintenance Work 1/14/2019
Basic Electrical Safety All electrical equipment checks MUST be completed daily before the commencement of each shift. If a piece of electrical equipment is thought to be faulty you MUST: Ensure that no other operator uses the equipment Notify your supervisor or manager immediately On no account try to repair the equipment yourself 1/14/2019
Basic Electrical Safety RCD unit (safety trip mechanism) Must be checked before use 1/14/2019
Basic Electrical Safety Clare Teat – Checks for cross / stripped wires, earth bonding etc. 1/14/2019
Basic Electrical Safety Ensure a green light is activated. 1/14/2019
Basic Electrical Safety Equipment has to be insulated. 1/14/2019
Internal and External Transport 1/14/2019
Transport Safety 115 deaths over the past two years In 2005 being struck be a moving vehicle was the 3rd most common kind of fatal accident. HGV’s and Fork Trucks are the most commonly cited agents in fatal accidents. 3455 plus “over 3 day” injuries – Reported under RIDDOR Types of incident: Being hit Being run over Being struck by objects Data Taken from the HSE 1/14/2019
Transport Hazards External Internal HGV’s Fork Lift Trucks Pedestrian Trucks Tow Trucks External HGV’s Delivery Vehicles Cars 1/14/2019
Safety Measures: INTERNAL Pedestrian walkways 5mph speed limit RTITB Trained (Can not drive if not been verified) Daily Inspections Safety signs 1/14/2019
Safety Measures: EXTERNAL One way traffic system 10mph speed limit Speed ramps Pedestrian crossings Stop junctions Traffic lights Safety signs 1/14/2019
Hand Arm Vibration 1/14/2019
Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVs) Exposing your fingers and hands to high levels of vibration on hand tools etc can: Damage blood vessels and reduction in blood supply Damage nerves causing a permanent loss of feeling Bones and muscles may also become damaged, e.g. arthritis Early Symptoms Of Vibration White Finger (VWF) Include: Usually first set off by the cold. Numbness Pins and needles, chilblains, and numbness. Grip strength reduced. What can you do……read, understand and adhere to any safe systems prepared by your Manager. Bring to the attention of managers any signs or symptoms of HAVs that you think you have developed. When requested, attend health surveillance. 1/14/2019