Earth’s Place in Space Unit 12, Section 1
Earth’s Rotation Earth rotates around its axis every 24 hours. ROTATION 1 Day = 24 Hours Y
Earth’s Revolution One revolution of the Earth around the sun takes a year. S REVOLUTION 1 year to complete N
What Causes the 4 Seasons? The seasons change because the Earth’s axis is tilted. When the northern hemisphere faces the sun, we have summer. At the same time, south of the equator is facing away from the sun, so they are in winter.
Movements of the Moon The Moon orbits around Earth once every 27.3 days. The light on the moon comes from the sun. When we see the moon completely lit, it’s called a full moon. The time while the sunlit part gets larger is called a waxing moon. When none of the moon is lit, it’s called a new moon. The time while the sunlit part gets smaller is called a waning moon.
Solar Eclipse The moon is between the Earth and the sun, blocking our view of the sun. Not all of the Earth will see a total eclipse.
Lunar Eclipse The Earth is between the moon and the sun. Only happen during the full moon.
Our Solar system