Lower Limb Regions Hip Knee Ankle Foot
Hip Osteology
Pelvis Sacrum coxal (hip) bones coxal (hip) bones
Anterior posterior trochanter: Greek = a runner; hence, the bony landmark, the greater trochanter, which moves so obviously in running.
Medial Lateral
Femoral hernia A femoral hernia is more common in women than in men.
X-Ray of Hip
Movements of the Hip Joint 1. Femoral-on-Pelvic Osteokinematics: rotation of the femur about a fixed pelvis 2. Pelvic-on-Femoral Osteokinematics: rotation of the pelvis over fixed femurs Names of Movements: Flexion and Extension in Sagittal Plane Abduction and Adduction in Frontal Plane Internal and External Rotation in the Horizontal Plane 12
Knee osteology
Tibia Proximal end
Tibiofemoral (knee) Joint
Strengthening Anterior Aspect of Knee Joint Patellar ligament Strengthening Anterior Aspect of Knee Joint
Leg and Ankle