Proposal to Restructure the Student Association Goodwill College of Public Affairs Office of Student Life Make Sure That the Dean is Present Before Beginning Tell the joke about St.. Peter and the Lawyer before beginning Thank all the Presidents of the individual associations before moving on
Restructuring Student Association: Outline of Remarks Rationale for Restructuring Proposed Reorganization Implementation Steps Make Sure that everyone understands the purpose of the meeting Pause for Questions before Moving on Remember to strive for eye contact with the Dean
Rationale for Restructuring To Promote Greater Contact Between Various Portions of the Student Body Undergraduate Political Science Graduate Urban Studies Graduate Public Affairs To Enhance Linkages with Alumni To Create Economies of Scale Really emphasize that this is a cooperative effort between the three existing Associations The Alumni thing is really important to the administration--that is where they get their funding Remember to ask for questions at this point
Proposed New Organization for Student Associations Describe the Functions of the Steering Committee in great detail Stress that the Secretariat would draw on staff already used by the three smaller associations Emphasize the parallel nature of the three combining associations.
Implementation Steps Clarify Proposal With Administration Gain Buy In From All Key Stakeholders Establish a Transition Team Emphasize that this deal with require a handshake of trust all around We need to work out all the details with involved parties End with the Story about How the Indian Tribe Build the Hydro dam together.