1. (5) List all the different kinds of queries, which can be created by ACCESS. Answer: Select queries Parameter queries Cross Tab queries Action queries SQL queries May 2018 ACS-2814 Yangjun Chen
Check both the attributes involved. 2. (3) When you use the relationships tool in Microsoft Access, the system indicates whether the relationship is one-to-many or one-to-one. How is the system able to determine when the relationship must be one-to-one? Answer: Check both the attributes involved. The index property of each is set to Yes – No/duplicates. Then, click and drag one of the two attributes from one table to the other. May 2018 ACS-2814 Yangjun Chen
√ =“Campus” field lname Location Balance table Customers Branch 3. (5) Assume that in a database, we have three tables: Accounts[AID, CountID, BranchID, Balance], Branch[ID, BranchID, manager, Location, Startdate], and Customers[CountID, fname, lname, Street, City, State]. Use Query Grid to create a query corresponding to the following SQL statement: Select lname, Location, Balance From Customer, Branch, Accounts Where branch.Location = “Campus”. field lname Location Balance table Customers Branch Accounts sort show √ Total criteria =“Campus” May 2018 ACS-2814 Yangjun Chen
Answer: Report Header Page Header Group Header Details Group Footer 4. (3) Microsoft Access Reports have seven components/sections, beginning with the Report Header. Name the other six sections. Answer: Report Header Page Header Group Header Details Group Footer Page Footer Report Footer May 2018 ACS-2814 Yangjun Chen
5. (6) Consider the following Vehicle table. Vid Make Model Colour Kilos Year Price Sold 1 Toyota Celica Red 100000 1994 $15,000.00 Yes 2 Honda Prelude Blue 150000 $18,000.00 No 3 145000 1993 $15,500.00 4 1997 $22,000.00 5 1996 6 7 8 1995 a) A business analyst would like to see the results of a query that shows how many vehicles were sold in each year. Design your query and show its definition in Design View. b) Another analyst wants a crosstab query illustrating how many vehicles there are for the various colours and years. Show the result (include row headings, column headings) of running such a query for the sample data. May 2018 ACS-2814 Yangjun Chen
a) May 2018 ACS-2814 Yangjun Chen
b) May 2018 ACS-2814 Yangjun Chen
May 2018 ACS-2814 Yangjun Chen
May 2018 ACS-2814 Yangjun Chen Year Red Blue 1994 1 1993 1997 1996 2 1993 1997 1996 2 1995 May 2018 ACS-2814 Yangjun Chen
6. (6) Consider the following design. Brand 1 Category N Product BName BDesc cat CatDesc PDesc PCode Pname a) Illustrate the relationships as they would be shown in the MS Access Relationships Tool. b)Show the relation structure created for Product when the ERD is mapped to a relational database. May 2018 ACS-2814 Yangjun Chen
Product: [Pcode, Pname, Pdesc, Cat, Nname] BName BDesc Cat CatDesc PCode Pname PDesc 1 b) Product: [Pcode, Pname, Pdesc, Cat, Nname] May 2018 ACS-2814 Yangjun Chen
Use an attached sheet for your answer. 7. (6) Given the query below, show the corresponding Query Design View. Use an attached sheet for your answer. Assume that Dealer and Auto are two tables. Dealer has attributes: DealerId, and name; and Auto has attributes: AutoId, Make, Model, Year, Price, and Did, where Did is a foreign key referring to DealerId. For each dealer, find the number of the autos with price > 10000, sold by it. field DealerId AutoId Price table Dealer Auto sort Total Group by Count show √ criteria >10,000 May 2018 ACS-2814 Yangjun Chen
8. (5) List all the different ways to create tables by MS Access. Answer: - Using Table Wizard - Using data sheet view - Using design view - Creating tables with queries - Creating tables by importing external data sources May 2018 ACS-2814 Yangjun Chen
- Field size- Adjusts the size of the text field 9. (6) Explain the meaning of the following properties for attributes. - Field size property - Format property - Input Mask property - Default Value property - Validation Rule property - Caption Answer: - Field size- Adjusts the size of the text field - Format- changes the way field is displayed. Does not effect the value. - Input Mask- facilitates data entry by displaying literals - Default Value- the automatically entered value - Validation Rule- Rejects records that do not conform to rules entered. - Alternate name to be displayed other than the field name. Alternate names appear in datasheets, forms, and reports May 2018 ACS-2814 Yangjun Chen
To facilitate query specification 10. (5Answer the following questions: a) Why should we avoid creating calculated data fields in a table? b) Why should we store data in their smallest parts? c) Why should we establish validation rules for data fields? d) Why should we use multiple tables, instead of a global table? e) What does it mean by the property “required”? Answer: To save space To facilitate query specification To keep data consistency, preventing the user from entering wrong data To save space. Normally, in a global table, much redundant data will be stored. For each record, a concrete value for the corresponding data field must be provided. May 2018 ACS-2814 Yangjun Chen
Examples for Format property Format property for Number data type: #,###.##;(#,###.##)[Red];0,000.00;“Undefined” format for positive number format for 0 format for null-value format for negative number 1,098.88 May 2018 ACS-2814 Yangjun Chen
Examples for Input Mask property Input mask forText data type: !\(999") "000\-0000;0;_ - (204) 888-1234 >!“FJ”\-AA\-00000 – FJ-EA-12048 Input mask for Time data type 99:00:00\ >LL;0;_ - 05:56:00 PM May 2018 ACS-2814 Yangjun Chen