What do you see? Write down 3 things that you think about when you look at this picture. LT: We will identify what psychology is and how it’s studied in society. Learning Outcomes: I will be able to explain what psychology is and identify what types of psychologists exist.
What is Psychology? LT: We will identify what psychology is and how it’s studied in society. Learning Outcomes: I will be able to explain what psychology is and identify what types of psychologists exist.
What In the World Are We Doing Here?!? Psychology- Scientific study of behavior and mental processes Behavior- Any action that other people can observe or measure LT: We will identify what psychology is and how it’s studied in society. Learning Outcomes: I will be able to explain what psychology is and identify what types of psychologists exist.
How Do We Think? Cognitive Activities- mental processes Psychological Constructs- Used to talk about something we can’t see, touch or measure LT: We will identify what psychology is and how it’s studied in society. Learning Outcomes: I will be able to explain what psychology is and identify what types of psychologists exist.
Psych as a Science Research Surveys and Experimentation Theories- Statement that attempts to explain why things are the way they are Principles- a rule or law LT: We will identify what psychology is and how it’s studied in society. Learning Outcomes: I will be able to explain what psychology is and identify what types of psychologists exist.
Major Fields in Psychology LT: We will identify what psychology is and how it’s studied in society. Learning Outcomes: I will be able to explain what psychology is and identify what types of psychologists exist.
Clinical Psychology Video! Make up the largest group of psychologists This is the one people think of when they think of the field (shrink). Many specialties Child mental health Learning disabilities Geriatrics Help people with psychological problems… Anxiety, Depression, or even severe psychological disorders (ex. Schizophrenia) Trained to evaluate, through tests and interviews DON’T CONFUSE WITH PSYCHIATRISTS!!! (MD) They both specialize in the treatment of psychological problems, but Clinical Psychologists don’t prescribed medicine. Side Note: they do often work together to consult and determine the best course of treatment for a complex patients problem. LT: We will identify what psychology is and how it’s studied in society. Learning Outcomes: I will be able to explain what psychology is and identify what types of psychologists exist.
Counseling Psychology Uses interviews and tests to identify a clients problems and needs Usually treat adjustment problems rather than serious psychological disorders Career decision difficulties Hard time making friends Overall, help clarify goals overcome adjustment problems and meet challenges! LT: We will identify what psychology is and how it’s studied in society. Learning Outcomes: I will be able to explain what psychology is and identify what types of psychologists exist. Click Here!
School Psychology This type of psychologist helps students who have problems that interfere with learning. Ex. Peer group and family problems Learning disorders (read, write, math, etc.) Talks with teachers, parents and the students themselves Can also administer tests! Ex. Intelligence tests, achievement tests (this can also be a good thing and move a student up! Observe, gather info., assess, advise others and place Special Needs LT: We will identify what psychology is and how it’s studied in society. Learning Outcomes: I will be able to explain what psychology is and identify what types of psychologists exist. Watch this!
Educational Psychology Same objective as School psychologists…help students learn… Focus more on course planning and instructional methods for the entire school system rather than the original student Some help prepare standardized tests (ACT, SAT) LT: We will identify what psychology is and how it’s studied in society. Learning Outcomes: I will be able to explain what psychology is and identify what types of psychologists exist.
Developmental Psychology The study of changes that occur during a person’s life Physical (height, weight) Emotional (self- concept, self-esteem), Cognitive (mental images of the world right v. wrong) Social (relationships, parent-child, peer- peer, or intimate) Heredity vs. Environmental impact of development Emphasizes research pertaining to adolescence (ages *10-25) LT: We will identify what psychology is and how it’s studied in society. Learning Outcomes: I will be able to explain what psychology is and identify what types of psychologists exist. Click Here!
Personality Psychology Identify human characteristics or traits. Ex. Shyness, friendliness. Look at many different traits of people and see how they develop through time. Interested in anxiety, aggression, gender roles. LT: We will identify what psychology is and how it’s studied in society. Learning Outcomes: I will be able to explain what psychology is and identify what types of psychologists exist.
Social Psychology Study people’s behavior in social situations! LT: We will identify what psychology is and how it’s studied in society. Learning Outcomes: I will be able to explain what psychology is and identify what types of psychologists exist. Study people’s behavior in social situations! The way men and women behave in a particular setting What attracts people to one another? (physical and psychological factors) Why do people tend to conform to the group? Why does behavior change when people are members of a group? Why is there prejudice and discrimination from one group to another? Why are people hostile in some situations? Why do people help others? Watch This!
Forensic Psychology Click Here! These psychologists work with the legal system (in both criminal and civil courts) used as expert witnesses. Try to explain why certain kinds of behavior give rise to criminal behaviors. Agency hire Forensic Psychologists to.. Assist in the selection of employees Help law enforcement officials cope with job stress Help train law enforcement with the handling of dangerous situations in the field such as, suicide threats, hostage crises, and family violence. *Slightly Different than a Criminal Investigative Analyst (but many overlaps) Click Here! LT: We will identify what psychology is and how it’s studied in society. Learning Outcomes: I will be able to explain what psychology is and identify what types of psychologists exist.
…and many, many MORE! Click! Industrial Psych. - people at work Environmental Psych. - How people are influenced by their surroundings Consumer Psych. - mentality of shoppers Health Psych. - How behavior and mentality are related our health Sport Psych. - the study of how psychological factors affect performance and how participation in sport and exercise affect psychological and physical factors. Click! LT: We will identify what psychology is and how it’s studied in society. Learning Outcomes: I will be able to explain what psychology is and identify what types of psychologists exist.
Exit Slip… Answer the following questions on the back of the half sheet of paper I gave you… 1. Write down one of the Major fields of Psychology and explain its components. LT: We will identify what psychology is and how it’s studied in society. Learning Outcomes: I will be able to explain what psychology is and identify what types of psychologists exist.
On a separate sheet of paper, answer the following… 1. The article states that, “much of hate is based in fear.” What evidence does the article use to explain this statement? Do you agree or disagree? Why? (5 pts.) 2. Due to recent events, do you believe there will be an increase in individuals joining hate groups? Why or why not? (You must defend your answer using evidence from both your background knowledge and the text)! (7 pts.)