LAMAS Working Group 10-12 December 2014 Agenda Item 5.3 Changes in quality reporting
LFS - Quality report Collection and dissemination of the quality information Planned changes for the quarterly accuracy report and annual report from 2015 onwards Revision concerning the Census
Collection of the information Core LFS quality reporting fully implemented in ESS MH (QAR and AR) Ad hoc module quality report not yet in ESS MH Implementation is planned for the AHM 2014 (Labour market situation of migrants and their immediate descendants) Invitation to fill in the report will be sent to countries Jan./Feb. 2015
Dissemination of the information Two publications ("EU – LFS quality report" and "Main characteristics of national surveys") New: ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRS) including the individual country reports Concepts LAMAS agreed on in June 2014
Planned changes in the quarterly accuracy report (QAR) Currently collection the Coefficient of Variation for 5 indicators Problem: Calculation of the CV for the age group is not defined (some countries 15-74, some 15+) CV for the number of employed persons (%) CV for the number of part-time employed persons (%) CV for the number of unemployed persons (%) CV for rate of unemploy-ment (%) CV for the average actual hours of work per week(*) (%)
Planned changes in the QAR Start from 2015 Q1 Common definition for the different age groups to be used for each indicator Additional information for each indicator: Standard Error and Confidence interval Introduction of two more indicators: Employment rate and youth unemployment rate (15-24)
Census revision – calculation of CV's How do countries proceed with the calculation of the CV's on a national level after the Census revision? Is it possible to send revised CV's for the five indicators after Census revision (back to 2000)? Is it possible to send revised calculation back to 2000 for the new calculation from 2015 Q1 (new indicators and age-group)?
LAMAS is invited to: Take note of the dissemination of the country reports on the Eurostat website Take note on the implementation of the AHM quality reports in the ESS MH – starting with AHM 2014 Express views on the planned changes in the QAR from 2015 Q1 (additional information, plus common definition) Express views on the possibility to send revised information on the CV, respectively on all new indicators).