Should You Join a Nonprofit Board? Bryana DiFonzo and Melissa Fratello YNPN Greater Bflo Summit 2015 Answer is: “Yes, probably, if not now then in the future. Just make sure you do your homework.”
Outline Preparing Expectations Joining Contributions Service Checklists Panel Bryana
Introductions Bryana: Nonprofit management, United Way Board Leadership Training, GGB Melissa: ? After: Raise hands if you are on – or have been on - a board
Why and why not? Professional development Strengthening community Pros Cons Professional development Strengthening community Personal network Leadership roles Satisfaction Time commitment Money commitment Risk Conflict of interest Mismatch Bryana Conflict of interest = not just usual meaning of term is it competing with the nonprofit you work for funds, PR, etc? does it duplicate your job duties (development, etc) Mission mismatch = Board/org culture Might not be readily apparent
Preparing Research Online Causes Act United Way Certificates Think Board type Ageism Bryana Handout: Board Development Nonprofits/Causes in area United Way board leadership certification training Certificates or courses in needed areas (grant writing, mergers, tax, etc) Ageism both ways: confidence with humility What type of board (small/large, active/formal, local/national, developing/established, still working on a 501c3?)
Expectations of You Attendance Committees Personal network Donate Educate yourself Follow policies Ask questions Bryana Perfect attendance & prep for board meetings Attending & advertising all events, official and not Serving on a committee if they exist Using your personal connections (inviting people to events, to donate expertise, to donate money) Donating your own money if required – important for grants Educating yourself on the board & agency (PR) Educating yourself on board service Following all policies such as conflict of interest, bylaws Ask questions, ask why, ask for explanations (not annoying or unproductive, but also not like the social pressure at the end of class)
Expectations of the board 501c3 status Board insurance Orientation Communication Committees Term limits Strategy Bryana 501c3 status – yes or no, but know Board insurance – not a deal breaker, but a really easy and cheap thing to have. You can get it for the board or for just yourself. Orientation and providing key documents (financials, bylaws, policies, last year of board meeting minutes) - if they don’t give you these, ask! Communication & reporting means: timely & thorough meeting notices/minutes and reports. Also thorough & transparent financial information. Communication should be open & healthy, and the board should be presenting a united front. Active committees – not necessary, but tells you about the type of board it is. Term limits – Emeritus status is good way to involve perspectives Strategy: strategic planning role - not involved in day-to-day operation
Joining - sources Invitation Board sponsor Look in areas you’re not working in Let your network know Attend fundraising events Serve on a committee United Way Websites Melissa Handout: sources for board openings
Joining - process Express Interest Interview Apply Melissa Some also include an observational period
Interview prep What to ask What to answer Interview Questions Interview prep What to ask What to answer Bryana Before interview – Check 990s on Guidestar Read their whole website/web presence Research people interviewing you Handouts: Questions for you to ask, questions for them to ask
Contributions: what you offer Example Perspective Energy Collaboration Time & hard work Creativity New networks Staff perspective Nonprofit connections Sense of boundaries Younger demographic Comfort with tech Bryana You would add to this list based on your experience and talents, but just from being a YNPN, you can already bring all of these Example: cultivating a good board culture Energy & enthusiasm Collaboration & idealism Time & hard work Creativity & flexibility New ideas & networks Perspective: Nonprofit perspective for staff advocacy Nonprofit connections for collaboration Sense of boundaries Younger demographic of supporters Comfort level with technology
Board Service Board development Member vs. Officer Board vs. Staff Roles Executive Director’s role ED perspective on board members Melissa Handout: Resources for Board Development
Board Service Advice Important things to remember Self-assessment along the way When is it best to resign? Melissa
Checklists Do you know what you’re getting into? Are you the kind of person they’re looking for? Is the board you’re looking at a good choice? Bryana Handouts: Board Readiness and Board Compatibility
Specific Questions: 1 Goals aligned? Relevant skills? Commitment? Belief and trust? n.aspx#.Vd0Jx_m4wXL . Bryana Are my goals the same as the org & board? Can I contribute skills, experience, or expertise that will increase the impact of the organization and help it advance its mission? Am I prepared to commit the time required to fulfill my oversight responsibilities and prepared to take on the legal and fiduciary responsibilities of being a board member? Do I feel good about donating my money and talking to my friends about this org?
Specific Questions: 2 Healthy organization? Personal compatibility? Job duties? 0Jx_m4wXL . Melissa Do I feel comfortable with the overall health of the organization? Do I know what the challenges and opportunities are, and am I comfortable with the level of risk that I will be assuming as a part of my legal responsibility as a board member? Do I like and trust the people who are affiliated with the organization? Do I want to spend time working with these people? Do I think I can work well with them and be a positive part of the board’s culture? Am I comfortable with the financial and time commitments necessary to serve on this board? Am I comfortable with all elements outlined in the board member job description?
Other Leadership Options Board committee Advisory panel Event planning Pro Bono Volunteer Melissa
Panel Panelists: Presenter questions Audience questions Krystal Sondel Minesh Patel Presenter questions Audience questions Melissa moderate Presenter questions: 1 - What inspired you to serve on a board; and how has your experience differed from your initial expectations? (I know, this is 2 questions....) 2 - What was your first challenging situation as a board member, and how did you work through it? 3 - Board service is a great opportunity for skill building as a young professional - a sweat equity form of training if you will. In what ways have you developed professionally as a direct result of your board service?