NON-OFFICIAL WORKERS PAYMENTS Purchasing Instructions: AD provides Requisition Form to Fin. Sec. for the Non-Officials Workers for all events. Fin. Sec. creates PRAF PR Use Vendor # 301591 “OKCPS-Student Activity Payment” – Current OKCPS Employees Use individual Vendor Numbers -- Non OKCPS Employees (Must complete Vendor Application) Fin. Sec. uploads AD’s Requisition Form to PRAF PR. Text Box – “Date of Event– Title– Worker’s Name-Sport” (Sample - “12-14-17 - Gate Keeper – MMouse-Volleyball”) PRAF PR goes through Release Strategies and is converted to SAFPO by Purchasing. Event occurs – AD provides completed Non-Official Worker Vouchers to Fin. Sec. Fin. Sec. GRs PO for the amount of payment. Fin. Sec. writes SAF PO # on Voucher Form. Fin. Sec. emails Voucher Form to with PO# - Non-Official in subject line. AcctsPayable uses Voucher Form as an Invoice and IRs the PO. Check is sent to Vendor or pay is included in OKCPS Employee’s Paycheck NOTE: Current OKCPS Employees as Gate Keepers, Ticket Takers, Non-Official Workers – One PR per Event – w/ Each Employee on separate lines Include their Employee Number and an additional amount of 38% for benefits.