November 8-9, 2017 Objectives: Demonstrate understanding of plot, characterization, and text details. Compose AP-style expository writing. Homework & Reminders: Native Son seminar (bring two annotated literary criticisms and notecard with 4 discussion questions) Wuthering Heights for next week (pre-reading and through ch. 9) Catalyst: Chromebook under your desk Have blue/black pen and notebook paper All other belongings at the back of the room TURN IN: MWDS at front table (bonus if you have a printed rubric) Annotated novel/comp book on the rug Make sure you name is CLEARLY WRITTEN on all components, or you get a zero.
Pseudonym Sheet Choose any name you'd like, which is school-appropriate. Should be a DIFFERENT name from everyone else Should be a DIFFERENT name from last test Write your pseudonym on the left column. Leave the other two columns blank. You will put your actual name next to your pseudonym after the essay has been graded.
Multiple Choice: Essay: 20 minutes, 20 questions Put your answers in the Google form in Google Classroom. Turn in your MC materials. Essay: WORK THE PROMPT Gauge your time (planning, writing, review) Write on notebook paper with blue or black ink only. Use front and back of paper When you finish, turn in your essay. Research pre-reading for Wuthering Heights (annotation guidelines on my Weebly)