Class of 1969 – Reunion Committee Meeting #2 – Wendy’s Home, Gloucester Pete Grady June 11, 2016
Agenda Get reacquainted Enjoy the brunch Wendy prepared General Discussion of the Reunion Event activities, timing, etc. Visit Beauport Hotel, Gloucester Enjoy the lunch Wendy prepared
Meeting Pictures
Meeting Pictures
Meeting Video Message to our Classmates Seriously, we did get some work done at this meeting!!
Meeting Pictures
Venue Selection Criteria Keep it simple Keep the cost reasonable Provide a lot of time for conversations with our classmates In New England, near Lynnfield Plan a multi-day event but one where folks can opt in or out as easily they desire
Meeting Discussion Notes Very quickly came to the conclusion that a resort type setting (ie Beauport Hotel in Gloucester) is out. Too expensive!!! $500+ per night for hotel and mucho bucks for ballroom rental and catering Event Itinerary Friday night cocktails & appetizers at Joan (Harrison) Bourque’s home in Lynnfield – bring your own drinks and an appetizer Saturday day events (see next page for opt ions) Saturday night event – Four Points hotel Lynnfield (the old Colonial Hotel) Drinks Carted food stations (not a sit down dinner) DJ and dancing Entertainment by classmates (TBD) Sunday Bruch – at a Market Place restaurant Lynnfield Hospitality suite at the Four Points Hotel would be open throughout the reunion event for informal get togethers
Saturday Day Activity Options Boston Harbor Cruise Gloucester Whale Watch Cruise Clam Bake at Crane’s Beach Hike with bag lunch at Halibut Point State Park, Rockport Golf Attend a Lynnfield HS football game (we can request a home game) Set up booth for hospitality We all wear reunion or LHS shirts/hats Announce our class gift at half time Please let us know what you think of these option. At a later date we will need to get firm numbers so that we can plan accordingly.