Kingsport City Schools Volunteer Training The purpose of this training is to provide you with an overview of Kingsport City Schools volunteer agreement and expectations. Kingsport City Schools
KCS Volunteer Agreement Volunteers play a very important role in Kingsport City Schools. We value our volunteers and the many hours of service they provide. This volunteer agreement helps protect the safety of our volunteers, students, and employees. Volunteers and the hours of service they provide play an important role in Kingsport City Schools. The KCS Volunteer Agreement was designed to protect your safety as well as our staff and students.
Checking In and Out The first time a volunteers visits our school, they must show identification to the school secretary. Each time a volunteer enters our school, s/he must sign in and wear the name tag in a visible location. Sign-in under volunteer and not visitor. Sign-out when leaving Please have identification with you upon entering the school for the first time. We ask that each time you are volunteering that you sign in and out of the appropriate location. Typically, this is the office area.
Dress Code Please remember that any clothing that displays inappropriate messages, fails to cover the midriff, costumes of any kind, clothing that exposes cleavage, or anything else that will create an unnecessary distraction should not be worn. Examples of clothing that are not recommended: tank tops with spaghetti straps, shirts with alcohol advertisements, mini skirts, etc. While staff are not allowed to wear blue jeans, volunteers are welcome to do so. Most clothing is appropriate for school volunteers, but we ask that you are mindful of your dress and the message that it may send to our students. If you are unsure if your clothing meets school guidelines, please ask the secretary or administrator.
Activities Volunteers may be used for the following activities with principal approval: Tutoring Chaperoning or assisting with school/classroom activities and field trips Coaching Setting-up equipment and supplies for school functions Volunteer opportunities are created by individual schools following Kingsport City Schools guidelines. Activities may take place inside or outside of the classroom. The level of volunteer engagement may vary from preparation of materials to tutoring students.
Classroom and Hallway Etiquette Teachers are very busy teaching our students. We try very hard to limit the amount of interruptions in the classroom. Please never visit the classrooms without the teacher’s prior permission. This includes knocking on classroom doors, distracting students, initiating conversations that distract from the task at hand, etc. We ask that you are respectful of instructional time in our buildings. To help with distractions and maximize safety, please only visit your designated areas and avoid unnecessary distractions.
Etiquette continued… Our students are working hard to remember how to walk quietly in the hallways. It is important for adults to remember to set the example and travel quietly in the hallways. Our students love to say hello when they see a friend. When passing a class in the hall, a smile is appreciated from our volunteers, but remember the goal is for the students to remain quiet. It is important for all adults to set a good example for our students. In all buildings, students should remain reasonably quiet in the hallways and follow the guidelines of their school and teacher.
Tutoring Volunteers who are visiting the school are very appreciated. Please ask for assistance if you feel you do not understand the assignment asked of you. Volunteers will never be asked to be alone in a room with a child. Please never place yourself in this situation. If you do not understand your assigned task, please do not hesitate to ask for an additional explanation or demonstration. To protect the safety of both you and our students, we ask that you never put yourself in a position to be alone with a student.
Behavior Correcting the behavior or actions of students is not the responsibility of a volunteer. If behavior is a concern, let school personnel know immediately. It is the role of the teacher and administrators to set boundaries for behavior. Please do not discipline or reprimand a student. If a behavior is concerning, please let school personnel know immediately.
Computer Acceptable Use Policy The Board of Education Computer Network Acceptable Use Policy must be reviewed and signed if the volunteer tasks require computer use. If you are asked to complete a task on the computer, you should be provided with our Computer Acceptable Use Policy which outlines safety and expectations.
Safety All facilities have safety plans in place for emergencies. Please check with the school secretary regarding procedures for safety to include: Building Lockdown (intruder) Fire Weather Situations It is important for you to know our safety procedures which may vary slightly in different buildings. Please speak with the school secretary regarding these procedures.
Important Things to Remember Never work with students in secluded areas. Do not share your personal contact information with students. Pictures of students are not permitted. Keep appropriate body distance and use appropriate gestures (high five instead of hug). Maintain confidentiality of student and staff information. Never assume the responsibility of the supervision of a class. Student and volunteer safety is important to us. We ask that you maintain confidentiality of any student and staff situations or informaiton. Be mindful to never put yourself in a position in which you are alone with a student and to never share personal information with a student.
Important Things to Remember Voice concerns to the supervising teacher or administrator if you are uncomfortable with a task. Follow the Computer Acceptable Use Policy. Smoking, vaping, or electronic cigarettes are prohibited on school grounds. No weapons are permitted on school grounds. Do not take students outside of the designated work areas. Any adult that suspects or has knowledge of child abuse or neglect must, by law, report it. At anytime, you may share a concern with the building secretary, teacher, or administrator. Smoking, vaping, electronic cigarettes, and weapons of any kind are not allowed on school grounds. Any adult who suspects or has knowledge of child abuse or neglect must report it. If you are unsure how to do this, please ask school personnel.
Thank you for your volunteer time and service Thank you for your volunteer time and service. It is greatly appreciated! Thank you for your volunteer time and service. It is greatly appreciated!