Senate August 21, 2017 9:30PM Farnsworth
Agenda Introduction to Senate Summer updates Introduction of Resolution 2: Declaration of Support for the Creation of a Committee on Investor Responsibility Introduction of Bylaws Amendment 3: To Define the Student Initiatives Committee
Organizational Structure
Mission The mission of the Rice Student Association is to enrich the undergraduate experience by engaging, inspiring, and advocating for all Rice undergraduate students.
Vision The vision of the Student Association is to be forward thinking, ubiquitous, and innovative.
Summer Updates New York Times Saturday Dinner Charlottesville Letter
Legislation Introductions
Appointments Blanket Tax Committee Nikit Venishetty- At Large Representative University Standing Committee Teaching - Hannah Todd Examinations and Standing - Raj Dalal
Announcements NSR Applications- Due Tuesday at midnight Government Relations Applications releasing next week Save the Date SA Retreat- September 16th (10am-1pm)