Brîff 7 Munud - Lleoliad gyda Rhieni Placement with Parents 7 Minute Briefing
1. BETH YDYW? 1. WHAT IS IT? Bydd Gorchymyn Gofal ond yn cael ei wneud os yw'r llys yn fodlon bod y plentyn yn dioddef neu'n debygol o ddioddef Niwed Sylweddol o dan ofal ei rieni / ei rhieni. Felly mae'n bwysig bod yn arbennig o ofalus pan fydd plant o'r fath yn cael eu dychwelyd i ofal eu rhieni. Pan ddychwelir y plentyn i ofal rhieni, bydd hyn o dan ddarpariaethau Rheoliadau Cynllunio Gofal, Lleoli ac Adolygu Achosion (Cymru) 2015; Rheoliadau 16 - 21. Fel arfer, bydd unrhyw blentyn sy’n dychwelyd at ei rieni o dan yr amgylchiadau hyn yn ffurfio rhan gyntaf o'r cynnydd arfaethedig tuag at gyflawni'r Gorchymyn Gofal. A Care Order will only have been made if the court is satisfied that the child is suffering or is likely to suffer Significant Harm in the care of his / her parents. It is therefore important to be especially careful when such children are being returned to the care of their parents. Where the child is returned to parental care, this will be under the provisions of the Care Planning, Placement and Case Review (Wales) Regulations 2015; Regulations 16 – 21 . Any return of a child to parents in these circumstances will usually be the first part of planned progress towards discharge of the Care Order.
2. BETH YDYW? 2. WHAT IS IT? Mae Rheoliadau Cynllunio Gofal, Lleoli ac Adolygu Achosion (Cymru) 2015 (Rheoliadau CPPCR), yn nodi na ddylid gwneud lleoliad gyda Rhiant, oni bai bod y lleoliad yn diogelu ac yn hyrwyddo lles y Plentyn ac yn diwallu eu hanghenion fel y nodir yn Rhan 6 o’u Cynllun Gofal a Chymorth The Care Planning, Placement and Case Review (Wales) Regulations 2015 (CPPCR Regulations) specify that a placement should not be made with a Parent unless the placement safeguards and promotes the Child’s well-being and meets their needs as set out in their Part 6 Care and Support Plan
3. BETH YDYW? 3. WHAT IS IT? Cyn gwneud unrhyw benderfyniad i leoli Plentyn â Rhiant, mae'n rhaid i'r Awdurdod Lleol: Asesu addasrwydd y Rhiant i ofalu am y Plentyn, pob person arall 18 oed a throsodd sy'n aelodau o'r cartref, ac addasrwydd y llety. Canfod a rhoi ystyriaeth ddyledus i ddymuniadau a theimladau'r Plentyn. Ystyried barn ac ymgynghori â’r Swyddog Adolygu Annibynnol (IRO) ac unrhyw berson arall (Gweithwyr Iechyd ac Addysg Proffesiynol), y mae’r Awdurdod Lleol yn ystyried bod eu barn yn berthnasol. Adolygu achos y Plentyn. Before making any decision to place a Child with a Parent, the Local Authority must: Assess the Parent’s suitability to care for the Child, all other persons aged 18 and over who are members of the household, and the suitability of the accommodation. Ascertain and give due consideration to the wishes and feelings of the Child. Consult with and consider the views of, the Independent Reviewing Officer (IRO) and any other person (Education and Health Professionals) whose views the Local Authority considers to be relevant. Review the Child’s case.
4. CYDNABYDDIAETH 4. RECOGNITION Mae'n arbennig o bwysig bod yr Awdurdod Lleol yn ystyried effaith debygol ffactorau fel trais domestig, rhieni’n camddefnyddio alcohol neu sylweddau, a phroblemau iechyd meddwl, a allai gael effaith andwyol ar allu'r Rhiant i ddiogelu a hyrwyddo lles y Plentyn, yn enwedig lle'r oeddent yn ffurfio rhan o’r rhesymau dros y Gorchymyn Gofal It is particularly important that the Local Authority considers the likely impact of factors such as domestic violence, parental alcohol or substance misuse, and mental health problems, which may have an adverse impact on the Parent’s ability to safeguard and promote the Child’s well- being, especially where they formed part of the grounds for the Care Order
5. MATERION 5. KEY ISSUES ALLWEDDOL Rôl y Swyddog Enwebedig (Pennaeth Gwasanaeth/Uwch Reolwr) Mae Rheoliad 19 o Reoliadau CPPCR yn nodi'r gofynion y mae'n rhaid i'r Swyddog Enwebedig (Pennaeth Gwasanaeth / Uwch Reolwr) eu hystyried, wrth ystyried p'un ai i osod Plentyn â'u Rhiant ai peidio, yn dilyn cwblhau'r asesiad Role of the Nominated Officer (Head of Service/Senior Manager) Regulation 19 of the CPPCR Regulations sets out the requirements which must be considered by the Nominated Officer (Head of Service/ Senior Manager), when considering whether or not to place a Child with their Parent following the completion of the assessment
6. SUT I YMATEB 6. HOW TO RESPOND Dylid anfon y rhybuddion o leoli Statudol Plant sy’n Derbyn Gofal arferol (e.e. i Iechyd ac Addysg) pan fo plentyn yn cael ei roi gyda Rhiant o dan y rheoliadau hyn. Rhaid ymweld â'r Plentyn a'i weld o fewn 7 diwrnod o ddechrau'r lleoliad a phob 6 wythnos yn dilyn hynny, am flwyddyn gyntaf y lleoliad (Rheoliadau 31-35 o Reoliadau CPPCR). Dylid adolygu Cynllun Gofal a Chymorth Rhan 6 y Plentyn yn unol â Rheoliadau 38 - 42 o Reoliadau CPPCR (h.y. dylai'r adolygiad cyntaf ddigwydd o fewn 20 diwrnod gwaith, dylai'r ail fod yn 3 mis ar ôl hynny, ac wedyn heb fod yn fwy na 6 mis wedi hynny). The normal LAC Statutory notices of placement (e.g. to Health and Education), should be sent out when a Child is placed with a Parent under these regulations. The Child must be visited and seen within 7 days of the start of the placement and visited 6 weekly thereafter, for the first year of the placement (Regulations 31- 35 of the CPPCR Regulations). The Child’s Part 6 Care and Support Plan should be reviewed in line with Regulations 38 – 42 of the CPPCR Regulations (i.e. the first review should take place within 20 working days, the second should be 3 months after and subsequently at no longer intervals than 6 months thereafter).
7. GWEITHREDU 7. ACTION Ni fwriedir i 'Leoliad gyda Rhieni' o dan Reoliadau CPPCR fod yn ateb parhaol i Blentyn. Dylai'r adolygiad o drefniadau sicrhau bod Cynllun Gofal a Chymorth Rhan 6 y plentyn yn cael ei fonitro'n agos a bod cerrig milltir yn cael eu cyrraedd. Lle bo modd, gellir diddymu'r Gorchymyn Gofal ymhen 12 mis A ‘Placement with Parents’ under the CPPCR Regulations are not intended to be a permanent solution for a Child. The review of arrangements should ensure that the Child’s Part 6 Care and Support Plan is closely monitored and that milestones are being reached. Where possible the Care Order may be revoked in 12 months time