The Cold War Gets HOT China and Korea
China The US had other communist problems China was having a civil war between the government of Chiang Kai-Shek and the Communists led by Mao Zedong
The US thought of Chiang Kai-shek as a friend Mao had the peasants on his side In 1949, Mao defeated Kai-shek and overnight 500 million people became communist Truman took a lot of heat over that
Korea Japan China Philippines
Korea After WWII Korea was divided at 38th parallel USSR controlled the North US controlled the South Each side wanted total control
June 1950: North Korean army—supported by USSR—crossed 38th parallel Truman viewed as Soviet aggression, not civil war Within days US troops were fighting in South Korea It wasn’t going well
North Korea was winning at first Truman sent General Douglas MacArthur to save Korea Within 2 weeks drove back North Korean forces to 38th parallel
China Chinese Invasion American Retreat October 1950: UN forces crossed the 38th parallel Unification became the goal China warned they would respond with force Chinese attacked and pushed American troops back American Retreat
Mac wanted to use Atomic bomb on China Truman said, “NO!” You’re fired! Mac wanted to use Atomic bomb on China Truman said, “NO!” Mac disagreed with Truman publicly Truman fired Mac Americans loved Mac and were very upset.
The war would continue for 3 years: 1950-1953 54,000 Americans would die; 113,000 injured Up to 4 million Koreans killed Korea is still divided today