14A + 14B Vocabulary Words Study PowerPoint


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14A + 14B Vocabulary Words Study PowerPoint English 1 – Use for Study Purposes Only

No Antonyms found for this word Cornerstone Definition: The starting point of a building; a fundamental principle or element. Synonyms: Foundation, base, underpinning, and support No Antonyms found for this word Cornerstone C-Wing

Cordial Definition: (adj.) In a friendly manner, hearty; cheery; (n) A liqueur. Synonyms: Hospitable, affable, warm, and convivial Antonyms: Gruff, unfriendly, and unsociable Cordial Dial

Debacle Debacle Disaster Definition: An overwhelming defeat; rout; a compete collapse or failure. Synonyms: Disaster, fiasco, and calamity Antonyms: Success, triumph, victory, and coup Debacle Disaster

Devitalize Devitalize Vitals Definition: To make weak or lifeless. Synonyms: Enfeeble, sap, and enervate Antonyms: Enliven, stimulate, energize, and excite Devitalize Vitals

Embroil Definition: To involve in conflict or difficulty; to throw into confusion. Synonyms: Entangle and ensnarl Antonyms: Disentangle, separate, and disconnect Embroil Brawl

Exonerate Exonerate Ex/Delete Definition: To clear from a change or accusation. Synonyms: Absolute, acquit, vindicate, and exculpate Antonyms: Implicate, incriminate, and inculpate Exonerate Ex/Delete

No Antonyms found for this word Cleave Definition: To cut or split open; to cling to. Synonyms: Sever, halve, sunder, adhere, and clasp No Antonyms found for this word Cleave Leave

Glib Definition: Ready and fluent in speech; thoughtless, insincere. Synonyms: Superficial, pat, oily, unctuous, and facile Antonyms: Halting, tongue-tied, speechless, and awkward Glib Library

Haphazard Haphazard Happened Definition: By chance, not planned; lacking order. Synonyms: Random, accidental, and slapdash Antonyms: Deliberate, purposeful, orderly, and meticulous Haphazard Happened

No Antonyms found for this word Annex Definition: (v) To add to, attach; to incorporate; (n) An attachment or addition. Synonyms: Join, acquire, appropriate, and procure No Antonyms found for this word Annex E-Wing

Precipitous Precipitous Peak Definition: Very steep. Synonyms: Sheer, abrupt, and sharp Antonyms: Gradual, shallow, graded, and incremental Precipitous Peak

Pallor Pallor Paleness Definition: An extreme or unnatural paleness. Synonyms: Wanness, lividness, and bloodlessness Antonyms: Flush, blush, rosiness, and bloom Pallor Paleness

Influx Influx Flu Definition: A coming in, inflow. Synonyms: inpouring, inrush, and invasion Antonyms: Outpouring, exodus, and departure Influx Flu

Profuse Profuse Fuse Box Definition: Very abundant; given or flowing freely. Synonyms: Extravagant, lavish, bounteous, and plenteous Antonyms: Sparse, scanty, meager, and insufficient Profuse Fuse Box

Reconcile Reconcile Reconnect Definition: To restore to friendship; to settle; to resign (oneself) Synonyms: Unite, conciliate, and mend-fences Antonyms: Antagonize, alienate, and drive-a-wedge-between Reconcile Reconnect

No Antonyms found for this word Pedigree Definition: A list of ancestors, family tree; the history of origins of something. Synonyms: Lineage, ancestry, and genealogy No Antonyms found for this word Pedigree Tree

Shackle Definition: (v) To put into chains; (n) A chain, fetter. Synonyms: Manacle, enslave, handcuffs, bonds, and irons Antonyms: Free, unfetter, emancipate, and liberate Shackle Ankle

Improvise Improvise Improve Comedy Definition: To compose or perform without preparation; to construct from available materials. Synonyms: Ad-lib, play-it-by-ear, wing-it, and extemporize Antonyms: Plan, rehearse, practice, and prepare Improvise Improve Comedy

Incite Incite City Definition: To rouse, stir up, urge on. Synonyms: Spur, kindle, provoke, instigate, and prompt Antonyms: Check, curb, impede, restrain, and smother Incite City

Threadbare Threadbare Teddy Bear Definition: Shabby, old and worn. Synonyms: Frayed, seedy, ragged, shopworn, and trite Antonyms: Luxurious, plush, costly, and sumptuous Threadbare Teddy Bear